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Nexus Mods Profile

About dkxsky

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  1. Is there a mod that enables you to take no damage while blocking at the expense of stamina? Or are there any other mods that overhaul blocking?
  2. What mouse and mouse software do you use? If you have Razer mouse and use Razer Synapse, then you can create a game specific profile in which you can rebind the specific numbers to the specific buttons that you want. I believe this is also possible with corsair mice.
  3. Thank you so much for the solution; I did as you said and it fixed the problem completely, although i had to get rid of some other textures which didn't interact with the LODs too well either. Thanks for the help!
  4. Ok, I just found the issue; turns out it was Vivid All in One that was causing the problem which is a shame as it was really convenient as it was an all in one package. Does anyone have any suggestions for a replacement, or is there any way for me to not use the terrain textures from Vivid All in One?
  5. No I don't think it is, I just uninstalled it completely and there is no change. I feel like the game for some reason might be using the wrong textures or something as I checked in and the terrain textures are perfectly fine in Riverwood.
  6. When testing game stability for a freshly modded game, I noticed that my terrain textures looked frankly disgusting (purple and brown). However as soon as I got close enough they faded into the terrain textures that I am using. I disabled the textures and nothing changed. I disabled DynDOLOD.esp and nothing changed. Therefore I am frankly stumped. I would appreciate any and all help. My mods: https://gyazo.com/24bdd6bf11c0e7ee38ad81708f10033e https://gyazo.com/30c00261b1f4b451e24531b3dfd04867 My load order: https://gyazo.com/5f6e4c26608a218c581d8b536cbcf5d9 In case this information is needed, I have an i7-4790, GTX 970 4GB Reference (no OC), 8GB of RAM; I am using Nexus Mod Manager and I have the latest version of SKSE Demonstration of the issue at hand: https://gyazo.com/6f5fe1e5ecb2c6d25b56de91a3a030a0 When up close the correct textures fade in, yet you can still see the disgusting old ones in the background to the left: https://gyazo.com/78dfaf05c5e08932bec5466c5f2ef8fd When moving away the textures procede to remain there for a bit and then start fading out into the purple and brown ones again and eventually fade out completely: https://gyazo.com/2d637beb35dc6238cf55070ed02decb8 Thank you for any help.
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