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  1. If your mod is loaded last, and if you use mod-specific table files, your changes will take precedence. What you need to do is: - Create a folder in the "Mods" folder like this: "[steamPath]\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\[ModName]" - Inside that create a new text file and rename it "mod.manifest", make sure it turns into a "MANIFEST" file type, and then add the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <kcd_mod> <info> <name>ModName</name> <description>ModDescription</description> <author>ModAuthor</author> <version>ModVersion</version> <created_on>ModVersionDate</created_on> </info> <supports> <kcd_version>1.*</kcd_version> </supports> </kcd_mod>The <kcd_version>1.*</kcd_version> should be the current version, or as here where * is a wild card and thus stands in for any number. - Then create a "Data" folder within the [ModName] folder. This is where you have your pak file(s). - From here you start modding. For example, you can extract the game's "rpg_param.xml" by opening the "Tables.pak" in the main game's Data folder and go through "...Libs\Tables\rpg" (pak files can be opened with 7-Zip and similar programs). - Place the file like this in a new set of folders within your [ModName] Data folder:"[steamPath]\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\[ModName]\Data\Libs\Tables\rpg\rpg_param.xml". - Then, to make it mod-specific, change the name to "rpg_param__modname.xml" (has to have double underscores between the regular table name and modname - "modname" has to match what you have written in the mod.manifest inside <name>ModName</name>, with lower case letters, and that name should contain no spaces (afaik). - Within the renamed file (opened with any text editor), remove all excess rows, only keeping or adding those that you want to change (see example below). - Also you may want to rename the table name to <table name="rpg_param__modname" version="1"> (this last step may or may not be required, but better safe than sorry). - For example, if you want to remove master strikes from combat, for both the player and NPCs: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?> <database name="hammerheart"> <table name="rpg_param__modname" version="1"> <header> <column name="rpg_param_key" type="character varying" /> <column name="rpg_param_value" type="real" /> </header> <rows> <row rpg_param_key="CombatAutoSPBWeight" rpg_param_value="0" /> <row rpg_param_key="MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier" rpg_param_value="0" /> </rows> </table> </database> - In this case, if you also want this to apply to Hardcore mode, you have to do the same procedure with "perk_rpg_param_override.xml" (actually you only need to include the player's master strike window "MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier" since AI master strike probability "CombatAutoSPBWeight" is unaltered). So make your "perk_rpg_param_override__modname.xml" in the same manner and place it along with your "rpg_param__modname.xml". - When all this is done, go back to your [ModName] Data folder, right click the "Libs" folder and make it into an archive (e.g. zip, rar, or 7z). Then rename the archive to "ModName.pak", make sure it turns into a PAK file. - Now you should have a file structure like this: "[steamPath]\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\[ModName]\Data\ModName.pak" "[steamPath]\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\[ModName]\mod.manifest" - Now you can make sure that your mod is loaded last, either by changing the mod name to the lowest alphabetically (e.g. by starting your [ModName] folder with zzz_) or placing it at the bottom in your mod.order.txt if you have any). - Done!
  2. You probably only edited item ID "6198800d-2524-4b66-b9ca-b640e2ae99f5", which is the Normal mode pot. Hardcore mode pot has a unique ID: "4adfbd53-aeed-42a8-b79a-9acad76c6351". You probably know, but you simply need to edit it like this: <row alcohol_content="0" cooked_item_id="" decay_time_hours="24" dried_item_id="" food_subtype_id="" food_type_id="2" health_benefit="0" item_id="4adfbd53-aeed-42a8-b79a-9acad76c6351" max_status="20" nutrition_benefit="0" refresh_benefit="0" short_term_nutrition_benefit_ratio="" smoked_item_id="" />
  3. For some reason the game doesn't pick up some of my changes in rpg_param.xml. It loads my mod files, but says many of the rows modified are "equal" for some reason. Any idea how to solve this? EDIT: There should only be three "equal" rows, but there are seven, one of which I know is "MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier", which means the player can now master strike all the time again... And it's clearly not only rpg_param.xml that is affected.
  4. I'm not sure what's causing your issue, but you can circumvent it by simply editing the xml files directly inside the pak file through 7-Zip. Just navigate to the xml file, make the changes, and then it'll prompt you whether you want to save them. That way you don't have to unpack/pack every time you make a change.
  5. Will the custom mod xml files be loaded after any other mods (taking precedence) or are they still subject to regular mod order?
  6. The 1.9.3 update says: "System added for modifying individual rows of tables, which allows the functioning of several table-related mods at once" But it doesn't say how this is done. Anyone figured it out?
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