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Everything posted by djjohnjarvis

  1. Ok mod restored with everything as it was so problem solved. To be fair this time was a quick response but they really do need to communicate better with the mod community. Here is the response from one of the moderators although it seems like another moderator had responded to the situation first. So apparently things have been busier than usual although I'm not sure why that would be the case. The fact that the accumulation of reports is mentioned by the moderator would suggest it is indeed an automatic bot of some kind.
  2. Ok I'm just saying, fair enough hide the mod temporarily but they shouldn't just delete it and say nothing. I could be taking a break from modding and it would be gone for months or even for good and I wouldn't know.
  3. Just thought I would let you know that Bethesda aren't content with upsetting people with this Creation Club BS, now they are removing mods with no warning and not even telling you that they actually removed it and why. It's like they are trying to become the most hated company. Sofia, one of the most popular Skyrim followers was deleted recently from the Xbox One mods on Bethesda.net for no reason. There is nothing in there that violates any terms. No nudity or swearing and any additional assets (the skin texture and hair) are free to use for non-commercial use. Now I've got to think whether it's even worth the huge amount of hassle to sort it out especially if I have to start from scratch since she was one of the top mods on there.
  4. Well I am the creator of Sofia and I would say that yes you should look at what a mod author has done to make their mods do something but don't directly copy and paste without making changes, and remember that there may be better ways of doing something. For example a lot of my code for Sofia was written years ago and since then I've learned much more and I know that a lot of that early code is a bit messy through using trial and error. In fact Sofia is probably a very un-user friendly mod when it comes to looking at the inner workings so starting off looking at existing game content might be a better start. Don't just look at followers though, looking at NPC behaviour during quests can be just as helpful. For example how does that quest script add that item to that NPC? Why is it using that package?
  5. Oh no, I didn't take it that way. I was just agreeing that there is a lot of work and rambling about other stuff so don't worry about offending me haha.
  6. Yeah that's a nice idea and could be done. Whilst the official exporter works well enough so far I still had to use the unofficial importer to get the models into max since there doesn't appear to be official support for that so it still has its uses. Yeah well the fence doesn't appear to have a destroyed version from what I could tell so I would have certainly needed to edit the mesh for that one. It is a relatively slow process though I will admit so I I will have to think about what objects to prioritise. Still a hell of a lot quicker than editing values in Nifskope for Skyrim to get custom collisions fixed up though.
  7. I was just trying out the new custom collision support for Fallout 4 and made a few objects destructible. I might turn it into a mod but I thought it would be fun to share. As you can see objects will break apart with physics so you can smash your way through fences and whatever else happens to be in your way.
  8. Says the guy who has used the mod extensively and uploaded a ton of pictures of Sofia to my page haha. That age thing as well as gender is nonsense since most of the users I actually talk to are not teen boys and many are even girls, I myself am 26 and I made the mod. Sofia just has a broad appeal coupled with quality content attracting several large demographics.
  9. Bringing in someone new to try and recreate Sofia would be a terrible idea and would totally lose the feel from the original. Luckily no need since me and Christine (the voice of Sofia) aka the actual mod authors are working on a Fallout 4 successor. It's a new but very similar character and she won't be exactly the same because it's not Skyrim but it's the closest you'll get. If you go into the mod comments section for Sofia (under the posts tab) and look at one of the top sticky comments you will see a video and backstory for the new follower.
  10. Way ahead of you. For a long time there has been demand for a Sofia styled follower for Fallout 4 so me and Christine (Sofia's voice actress) are already preparing for when the Creation Kit arrives. Obviously it won't be a direct Sofia port/remake because there can only be one Sofia and this is a Fallout game but expect something similar. The full details including backstory and a voice demo can be found in the Sofia mod comments under the posts tab.
  11. I will be going down the route of splicing audio clips from the player character. I'll let my follower do the talking and keep the player's lines short and simple. Anything in depth I'll either let her intervene or do a fade to black transition to show the passing of time. I think it's probably the only way to do it seamlessly without using a mod to make the player entirely silent.
  12. An advanced fully voiced follower for Fallout 4 along the lines of Sofia (my Skyrim follower mod) complete with a vault quest line. She will be quest aware, scripted and all that. I've already started on the lines and they are being recorded in advance of the CK by the same voice actress. As usual the character will be something a little different, with an emphasis on silly but lore friendly humour although different from my other follower mod.
  13. I'm guessing you are referring to this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61348/?
  14. Well I can tell you how I did it for Sofia. Basically her second storage is actually a chest and when you select the dialogue option for it a script triggers which activates the chest. So you will want to create a chest and add it anywhere you like in the game world but preferably where the player won't see it. Then add a quest alias that references that chest and in the line of dialogue you have set up for the storage add a script that simply calls the activate function on the chest alias like this so the player activates the chest: StorageChestAlias.GetReference().Activate(Game.GetPlayer())
  15. German speaking voice actress needed for top follower mod Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower Anyone who uses custom Skyrim follower mods will probably be aware of who Sofia is but you can check the mod page for more details and to see videos of her in action. I will not be directly handling the German translation since I don't speak German but the translation is in good hands. A good quality mic is required. Anyway I'll direct you to the topic specifically created for the auditions where you can find out more since this is for the people who may have not seen it: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3078509-sofia-the-funny-fully-voiced-follower-german-voice/
  16. That is rather vague. What do you mean by erratic? What is it she is doing that is erratic? Edit: I just noticed this is in the general discussion forum. Bit of an odd place to post :huh:
  17. Thanks everyone. I just wish I had more time to work on it. It's kind of a tedious process though as each object can take hours with lots of filling in values in NifSkope. @ zamzara Yeah some nice ideas, we will just have to see what works best. Well that's nice of you to say but mods no matter how small take a lot of effort and I don't have time. Also you need to consider that each modder has their specialities (scripter, dungeon designer, 3D modeller/texturer etc.).
  18. Ok it seems you posted just before me :D In that case download the previous loose version and then the 2.03 update only patch to bring it up to the latest version.
  19. That would be a sign of missing textures and missing audio files which of course would match up with the corrupted downloads you described to me in your PM which I must have missed the first time around. Now the files themselves are not corrupt obviously as I wouldn't hear the last of it but somehow the download from the server is going horribly wrong and corrupting the download which I can't really do much about. You have a choice of manual and mod manager downloads so try switching between the two. You also have a choice of loose or BSA, again try both as they both function the same.
  20. Well technically she was paid, but it was a voluntary donation. She was happy to do it for free like all her other mod work and never actually once asked for any money. It was my insistence that she should be compensated for the amount of time spent. So I wouldn't really call her a paid VA. What I pay her comes straight out of mod donation money which is actually more than you would think. Since the mod is split 50/50 she is only receiving her share of donation funds through the Nexus which is obviously allowed.
  21. That used to be the case but marriage was added to Sofia in an update.
  22. If you are going to bash a mod then at least get the quotes and mod intention right. Now anyone knows that she is meant as a comic relief type character (it's in the mod title), the bumbling female sidekick who thinks highly of herself and talks a load of sh*t with an alcohol problem. The mod does rely on some use of adult humour and accidental innuendo/double entendre but that does not make her a prostitute as the intended meaning of what she says is supposed to be open to interpretation which is the joke. She doesn't mean it in the sexual context but has a bad way of wording things or messing up or just being plain awkward. I mean take the example you gave "Yippee I love holding people's junk". Junk = stuff, nothing sexual or out of the ordinary about that until you distort its meaning because it's also a slang term. She obviously means it in the casual sense of look at all this junk I have to carry with me. She is in no way designed to be a prostitute and if you see it that way then I can only suggest that you are ignorant or need to get a sense of humour or at least understand other people's. As for finding a mod that suits you, well I think you pretty much blew that request as any capable mod author such as myself is not going to help you with that attitude. You have basically said you hate every single follower mod. You have dismissed all the top voiced ones, and their characters are very varied and said you don't like purely cosmetic ones so I'm afraid you are out of luck. As stated above. You should really research a mod before making such statements. Edit: Hmm the site keeps replacing the word wh*re with prostitute xD but yeah I'm sure you get the intended meaning.
  23. Other followers have been hit with the same bug in the past. The two I know of that were affected but are now fixed are Vilja and Professor Benjamin Doon. You should check that you have the very latest version if you use those mods. Vilja was affected quite recently with the 4.0 update I think so even if it feels like you recently updated you should check that you have 4.01 or later which fixes it.
  24. it doesn't seem like it. You can damage objects via script and reset the destruction but I can't find any functions that directly set the current or maximum health.
  25. The ones that deal physical damage should do such as fire breath or whatever it's called. Yeah I need to come up with some suitable sound effects. I might just have the player be able to salvage items by interacting with the destroyed object debris but yeah failing that I'll probably use a pouch or something. The number of hits required is determined by the health value assigned in the destruction data. Higher damage weapons and spells will mean less hits required. The sound effects can be triggered via script although I have been using the destruction explosion sound for testing which requires no scripts and is easier. The explosion I have set is invisible and only used as a very slight force to blast apart the debris.
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