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About Sirropoo

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  1. My stupid preview only shows third of the preview panel (glichy CK) but I follow you that this animation isn't referenced in the NIF and is a manual activation per'se ...I'll go poking around and see what I come up with ...Thanks.
  2. Cant seem to figure it out, CryoPod door open/close animation ...anybody have any experience with this and point me in right direction ? The Vault111 Spouse CryoPod, copy/paste and it no worky ...different vaiables of other pods Ive tried to no effect.
  3. Im building a MOD part from its enjoyment and part to share THAT enjoyment of something new, and I know Ill not get any reall compensense in return BUT I do understand the distraught MOD builders go thru when their work is hi-jacked. I'm going to insert some "anti-theft" code into a MOD I'm working with, if nothing more than to flash up on the screen who/where the MOD originated from. Its not going to be a simple code, it will have multiple check points to monitor any modifications to the MODs original "Credit Screen" and that monitor code has to be somewhat hidden from the obvious ...not that its the silver bullet but I'll make the "hi-jacker" learn some coding if they want to go any further than downloading :smile:
  4. Fonixdata.cdf present, "edit response" screen shows dotWav and dotLIP files present with the "Y" ...it may be the way I'm inputing the scene but you would think that if THAT works fine (voice etc), should be no reason the LIP's shouldn't be working. If I recall correctly, when I first started the MOD, I played around with LIP'ing (LIP'ed a few lines to see it work) and it worked fine ...later (months later), when I finalized the lines etc, they don't. Since I've posted this, Ive tried a few more things with no luck.
  5. Morning, Have an issue I can not seem to resolve ...LIP sync. Let me define Dialogue Comment and Dialogue sequence ...Dialogue Comment is just a single comment where Dialogue sequence is where the Player has the option of what to say. Have a scene where 2 npc's are chatting, Dialogue Comments, voice etc fine, but they have no lip sync. A 2nd scene where the Player is involved ...the NPC Dialogue Comment greeting has no lip sync, a following Dialogue Sequence, the Player lips sync but the NPC does not, a parting Dialogue Comment from the Player has no lip sync either. Are there known bugs with LIP sync'ing I am not aware of ? Using Audacity, verified Mono, 41100, 16 bit, redid the LIP files ...still no luck
  6. Or I can make a funny ...one scene where the Player comes across distorted noise coming from a vent ...Player: "You seem upset, whats wrong ?"
  7. Yup and Yup ...leaves dialog very restrictive and terribly time consuming ...Ill just get a voice a declare the Player has a cold, but Ill keep looking a bit longer, still a number of development hours before crunch time
  8. If you moved it by just copy+pasting or cutting it then there's no reason to assume that all the references remained intact after it was moved. I'd go though and recheck all of the linked refs, script properties, attach refs, etc. well "move" may have been over simplistic ...built one from scratch on outside terrain, couldn't get it to work, so I copied and pasted a "known" working elev from an interior location, references etc were doubled checked ..still couldn't get it to work. "Known" working being Ive created a number of elev's from scratch and they were working within my mod ...heavy lift cargo elev's, mine personnel elev's, vault double door elev's etc I'm just pointing out that if anybody has problems with an exterior elevator, may be something to a location form ...or something of that nature and not something directly with the elevator itself ...being in an outside environment with tons of other entities (objects), the "elev" may be having an identity crisis ...eh
  9. I have a number of elev's working in a mod, an interior location, move a elev to an outside location and it will not work ..this is just a FYI, may have something to do with location form ...I did not look that deep into the issue, I had a option other than banging my head against the concrete.
  10. Looking for male/female voice artist whom could pass for the in-game player voice
  11. Quest displaying as in your "Quest List" ...objective shouldnt have anything to do with a Quest being listed ...but it may kick start, I wont assume not. I set an objective on index 0, then on stage 0, "setobjectivedisplayed(0,1)" and it did nada ...if you have no quest to select, you can not see its objectives. 15min later well hot dam ...I set an objective on stage 5 then displayed it and "walla" ..quest is showing ...but it still didn't "display" its "Start" but I can play around with that. Thanks chuck May'haps quest sitting at stage "0" doesn't actually "start" the quest ?
  12. Hey guys, been beating my head on this one ...have a lead-up quest which ends and then the main quest starts, both using same ESP file. The main quest looks good thru the SQV command ...started, Alias linked etc. ...(the problem) but it does not list itself in the quest log, does not notify the Player of its starting either. The lead-up quest does fine, ends fine, the main quest is very basic, haven't really started on it, other than one alias and a introduction video at stage 5 ...its pretty much barren ...at stage 5, the intro video does play. I did delete and recreate the main quest, same issue .....any ideas where I could look ?? Is this a "one quest per ESP file thing ?"
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