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About JaxKenobi

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  1. Great mod and can't wait for a full bug free release. However... Combat doesn't work well at all. Swinging weapons gives me a headache because the camera shakes and moves way to much, and spells shake the camera right as the spell is launched so you can't fire accurately. You already have on the to do list "fix the camera shaking when running" but I think some combat improvements (smoothing etc.) are in order as well.
  2. Also, long jumps by jumping while sprinting would be another thing for it.
  3. Well I use dual wielded daggers because they are very strong, stealthy and fast, but I use heavy armor, so that mod won't help me. Thanks though, I may try it on a different character.
  4. I'd like a mod where you can press sprint either left right or backwards and you would execute a dodge roll. I am not sure how difficult this would be to make, as simply using the Silent Roll animation would look kind of strange, but I play in first person so that is not an issue. Thoughts? I don't mind if the Silent Roll anim is used, I'd just like to be able to jump back from power attacks or projectiles.
  5. I'm sorry but what is the "kit"? I assume some kind of modding program or editor? A link would be nice, if you would be kind enough to give me one.
  6. No, the Razor does much, MUCH less damage. I have 100 smithing and can only get it up to 55 damage with a good plus 70% buff from equipment and a potion. I guess what I need is a more powerful Mehrunes' Razor, a texture/model change is just what I thought would be the easiest thing for someone to do. =/ Do you know how I can change a weapon's damage? I can't find that out anywhere either.
  7. Hello everyone. I'd like a texture modification that makes the Daedric Dagger look just like Mehrunes' Razor. The Razor looks great but is not a great weapon, whereas the Daedric Dagger looks kinda lame but is my favorite weapon. I've looked for an hour now and can't find a way to do it myself or a way to make the Razor itself more powerful. Thanks in advance.
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