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Everything posted by Ranx31
Yes, that's one route to go but the thing is that he (the original poster, Deathbytac0) would be stuck using those weapons/mods and all that goes with using them. He stated that he was originally looking for a simple retexture, no ESPs, etc.. Deathbytac0: Perhaps I should have been more specific in pointing you elsewhere... As I recall, when I was looking for alternate reticules for my 'EVE-Lost And Found' mod, I managed to find some by looking in modder's resources on Nexus. You could try there and see if they're still up. Google may turn up some more... Sorry I can't give you specific names or links but they shouldn't be too hard to find.
I can tell you right now that you won't have much luck retexturing anything... The scope view is a separate model that the game uses when you look into your gun scope. The model itself creates the reticule components from actual polygons and not textures, therefore there is nothing to retexture. However, you can still do something about your situation: You can either look for mods that supply alternate reticules (some have red-dot centers, which might fix your problem) or you can buckle down and try and alter the reticule's color yourself by tweaking it in Nifskope. As far as giving any more details, I can't! It's been almost a year since I've played and/or modded FO3 so all that stuff is a fuzzy memory right now. Hope this helps! Good luck...
I'm having an issue with .dds files and NifSkope
Ranx31 replied to wolverinetree's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
When saving any texture intended to be a .dds format you have to be sure to save in the correct format. Not sure how GIMP saves but .dds textures can be DXT [1-5] format. The differences denote how any alpha channel info is saved into the texture. Perhaps you're not taking this into account; the alpha channel info, that is. Check the original texture to see what's in the alpha channel and then save in the correct format to preserve it or, if need be, edit that info to match your other changes. To learn more, google dxt formats and alpha channel... Hope this helps! -
Seeing as how you're working with a static object and not an actual light object (which I know next to nothing about) it's probably because you need to add a glow map texture to the mix. Once you've created the texture and placed it in the proper data directory (textures/...), you'll need to add it to the list of available textures in the .nif's texture set for that part of the mesh. Complete these changes and you should see it lighting up in-game once the game engine picks up those changes. Plus make the changes Pixelhate suggests, forgot about that stuff since i'ts been awhile since I've modded anything.
Having just looked at that Wiki link, that looks like a worthy project. I also like that it's cut content - it has a certain appeal to me. My last mod release involved cut content from EVE so I'm familiar with what it would take. So just maybe you'll see this weapon realized some time down the road... No promises though! ;)
I have the same problem happen to me occasionally - don't know why it does it. But, here's what I do to quickly regain control: Hit Alt-Tab to switch focus back to the desktop. Then quickly move your mouse around so you can find it. Hit 'Cancel' on the open dialog since Windows is busy logging a bunch of data it doesn't do squat with anyway!
White Frosted Textures in Mod
Ranx31 replied to Ordeiberon's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
I think the problem with the light (in the GNR mod) had something to do with the radius of the light cone - the area of coverage. Try using lights with smaller area or different spectrum maybe? As for your other problems with the Outpost, you might want to have a look at that cell (and your mod of it too) and the .esm with FO3Edit and look for any errors popping up. Maybe you've got conflicts that'll show up there... Good luck! -
White Frosted Textures in Mod
Ranx31 replied to Ordeiberon's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Your problem reminds me of a similar glitch that would occur with a mod that enhanced the GNR building awhile back... It would cause some of the Brotherhood's suit textures to turn white at times. Someone had later narrowed the problem down to being one of the light sources that was used. Once that particular light was changed to something else, the glitch went away. The mod might have been called 'GNR Enhanced'. That's about all I can recall at the moment. You might try doing a search in the forums based on what I've mentioned and see what pops up. Hope this was of some help. -
Meshes for explosions can be found in 'Meshes\effects'. Not sure about where gunshot effects are... You can likely find the paths by looking through the various tabs for weapons in the GECK - at least that's where I would start. As for editing the plasma grenade explosion's color, you could try loading it's explosion mesh into Nifskope and then opening up the various nodes inside it until you find one (or likely more) that has an NiMaterialProperty. Then look at the bottom panel and scroll down to find the Emissive color. This should be the color used for the blast effect. Edit it to the color you want, save under a new name, point your grenade's path to it in the GECK and test in-game. Repeat until you get what you want. As a quick check, I looked at one I found titled 'PlasmaGrenadeBlast.nif'. I found three nodes with different shades of green that were used. So what I just stated MAY work. You'll have to test for yourself to verify... Good luck!
Open the console in-game by pressing the tilde (~) key, then enter: - set timescale to 30 (game default) I personally don't like how fast the default is, so I usually use 5. Some mods may change this or not like that setting so keep this in mind. For more info on this topic, search for 'timescale'... And, just in case, you could search your .ini files to see if this setting has been altered there.
Real time rendering software
Ranx31 replied to jtucker40's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
That's strange... When I do a quick-render, it shows up looking just like what I see in the perspective views. Are you using a non-standard material of some sort? Whether you're using the standard Blinn shader or the Niftools version, it should come out properly when rendered. Maybe try NOT using that shader you named and see what happens. Do you have the Material editor set to 'Hardware display with maps'? You can find this setting in the menus of the editor window. Beyond the above suggestions, I'm not sure how much more help I can be... Good luck! -
Real time rendering software
Ranx31 replied to jtucker40's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
If you already have 3ds-Max, why would you want to bother with another renderer? 3ds-Max does it all doesn't it? I use it as well but because I only create objects for games I've never bothered with renders. The closest I get is to use the hotkey combo 'SHIFT-Q' for quick renders of each perspective. Maybe that it is good enough for your needs? I'm pretty sure that 3ds-Max is capable of ray-traced renders using it's Mental Ray renderer. You just need to know how to use it. If the above doesn't help I'd suggest using Max's built-in help files to learn more about renders or Googling how to go about it. -
Well, I don't know how much help I can provide as I have no experience with either Blender or animations... But surely there must be a reference point somewhere in your animation for the position of the projectile right? And while I think of it, are you using a custom projectile or a game default? Cuz if you're using default, then changing it's center will affect any other weapon using that projectile/bullet, so that would not be a good thing. If using custom, can't you load it into Blender and change it's pivot somehow? To change an object's center in Nifskope load it into the program then right-click over the root node and select 'Transform>Edit' then adjust parameters. Then right-click over root node again and select 'Transform>Apply' to lock in the new center position. Finally, save your projectile and try it out in-game. Repeat until it's positioned where you want. Note that this MAY not work as I'm sketchy on details at the moment but I had similar problems and I just ended up loading the projectile into 3ds-Max, moving and orienting the object and exporting again. This allowed me to bypass endless tweaking sessions. If none of the above works hopefully someone else here more experienced with such things will reply to your question soon.
Have you tried to move the center pivot of your projectile to compensate? Or, if you didn't want something that drastic, trying to reset the transforms? If you're going to try moving the center axis, you could either do it with Nifskope ( which would allow quicker feedback on effect) or your modeling program...
Well, you may be right but all I know at this point is that I've had several hundred DLs of my mod and, so far, no one has complained about scope troubles... I will however keep your advice in mind for the future should I need to change it. Thanks for informing me with more details, at any rate! :)
I recently had the exact same problem while working on my 'EVE - Lost And Found' mod... I was able to add a container in Flak and Shrapnel's cell and Tulip's cell and have my stuff show up in their inventory no problem but when I tried it with Durga, it just wouldn't work for some reason. I gave up looking for the answer and just added the stuff directly to her chest instead so I could be done with it and move on. Like you, I wanted to add things in an unobtrusive way but that added container wouldn't work with Durga so I had to compromise. The only other option I've found is to add stuff to their inventory using scripting. I know zip about scripts so I wanted to avoid that. You might want to look into that however...
I added some text to explain what to do if they get the grey bars - in the same way I did it. Just to clarify, the scope I used is the same size as game default. See my previous responses to this topic... I wonder if anyone's ever tried to make the mask plane the same size ratio as widescreen i.e. 16 x 9? Maybe that's something worth trying... I'm still not happy about scope views getting chopped off top and bottom as much as they are. Not going to diddle with that myself right now though, pretty busy with other stuff!
ZX-76 shotgun from Alien vs Predator 2010
Ranx31 replied to Markk21's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
Nice gun but, uh, I'm only seeing one barrel! The lower barrel is part of the slide action & choke. -
Ya, I'm not sure what's driving it either exactly... Might have something to do also with the way the game rescales the scope view to fit the screen. At any rate, I tried what you suggested earlier today. I put the scale of the scope back to 1.0, added the setting to Fallout.ini & FalloutPrefs.ini, then fired up the game. Lo and behold, the grey bars were gone! No other scope view showed them either - I tried a few. So, I think I'll go with your method and simply add the same instruction in my mod's document for other users. At the very least, it eliminates having to rescale any scope.nif, even if somebody knows how and I'll bet a lot of people wouldn't want to play around with this sort of thing. So thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to mention you in my credits. EDIT: BTW, the bars are grey for me in FO3. Check my initial pic to see. Not sure about NV as I don't have it... yet.
Displaying globals in a note
Ranx31 replied to Belthan's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
I know zip about FO3 scripting but logically, would it be possible to get around the problem by first storing the result of the global in another string and then printing that to the screen? Sorry if I'm way off but just trying to help :) . -
I also thought the sizes of the reticles were different somehow, at first... Then I loaded several up in Nifskope and compared. Turned out that the one I want to use and the game's default both have the exact same dimensions (1480 x 920). When I say same dimensions, I'm referring to the portion of the scope's mesh that forms the large, black masking plane that appears in-game. Anyway, if you look at the scope mesh used for the Gauss rifle (found in Operation Anchorage), you'll see that it, in fact, uses a LARGER sized plane. So, more strangeness, if you ask me! If you want to see for yourself then here's a link to the modder's resource. It may help explain what's what: More Scope Reticles I'm using the one called 'ScopeDMS.nif'. If you want to see if it makes any difference in size either way, try that mesh out and then rescale it's parts to 0.95 as drithius suggested I do and see what happens...
I'll definitely try out the change to the Fallout.ini you suggested but here's the thing: I didn't notice this side-effect until I tried out this reticle which I've never used before and the Gauss rifle's scope showed no such artifacts. As well, if I edit the .ini file and it works for me, what about the people using my mod that end up experiencing the same thing? Seeing as how drithius' suggestion of changing the .nif scale seemed to fix the problem, I'm thinking it would then be fixed for anyone using the same .nif. The file's getting included in the mod either way and I won't have to bother including any sort of info about users having to edit their .ini file if there's a problem. The FOV of the scope I'm using is set to the same value as a sniper rifle, which is 25. Incidentally, I was thinking of making the number larger anyway as the weapon I'm using the scope view with SHOULD have a shorter range. Possibly change it to 30 or 35.
@jazzisparis I'm referring to the FO3 version of the form list. Did you mean combat 'perks'? @drithius Good point! Don't have that mod but I can see how tedious that could be if one had to add that many, one at a time, to that form list. So I guess I can safely ignore that and go back to what I was doing before... Question answered, deal with other stuff! Thanks for the replies.