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About screamingabdab

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  1. They should, but because they are different distances from the start point one gets there first and sets off without the other one.
  2. Hello fg, I'm after a patrol start modifying script. I've got 2 NPC's that walk the same patrol, but I'm after a script that makes them start at the same time, from the start marker. Possible? Cheers, J
  3. OK so I've got another one for you. A new Mannequin Script that only allows you to place Helms on the mannequin. I had a look at the mannequin script and it's gibberish to me, level design, NPC's that I can handle. But scripting.... gah you guys that can do it impress me :)
  4. fg109 thank you muchly :) script works like a charm.
  5. Cheers FG, ahh can I not just write a new blessing script for my shrine then? thought i'd be able to do that.
  6. as said above it's a game wide bug, the only work around ( that i'm aware of) is the make it an .esm way, but as said that leads to other issues. if you're happy to save, then reload before fast travelling to your home then any of them are suitable. but if you want something different & lore friendly check out mine :D Shameless plug for Urosh Yall
  7. You sir could be just the man I'm looking for. I've been trying to modify the Shrine Blessing script to apply more than just the single buff. I've made the spells ready and tried several times myself, but it just applies the first spell 3 times instead of 3 seperate spells. So to confirm what I'm after is a Shrine Blessing that will do the normal Cure Disease and then apply 3 spells to the player. Many thanks if you can help me out :D
  8. I dunno where an example exists in game but I made one for a mod. I had a big watchtower that was proving impossible to stair/ramp up to so I simply put a trapdoor at the top and a long ladder with a trapdoor underneath the top floor, linked them together and "hey presto" you travel from ground to tower top.
  9. Hello there can you knock up a video for my project Urosh Yal A Stronghold for the Dovakiin Created by me Screamingabdab, if you could give a shout out to Bellyache during the video when showing one of the new textured Sabre Cats that would be great. Cheers mate :)
  10. Hello there I'm after drawing some attention to and getting some feedback on my first mod project, Urosh Yal an Orc Stronghold for the Dovakiin to call home. Urosh Yal Orc Stronghold As you can see there's all the usual things you'd expect to find in a player house mod. Full crafting facilities, a nice unique home, display room, etc.. What makes Urosh Yal special is the history I've written for it and implemented into it's NPCs. It has a rich & full backstory explaining the uniqueness of it as a stronghold without a chieftain as all other orc strongholds are. I'd really appreciate some C&C about my mod. In the plans for it's future are more dialogue for the NPCs and some quests. Expanding the underground into a fully fleshed dungeon. And maybe putting in an Orc Follower or two. Thanks for reading :)
  11. OK so I tried the convert the .esp to an .esm fix and that didn't work either. So do you have to save it as an.esm from the very start? Is that even possible with the CK?
  12. Dunno if this this the correct forum to try and get help for this problem but Just downloaded and attempted to use this tool and I constantly get the following error message - Subrecord block did not match the size specified in the record header. Any ideas on what that means? Doesn't matter what I try to open with it, always get them same error.
  13. I read on another forum that another fix is to rename the nav-mesh Editor ID before you start to modify anything.
  14. yeah the COCMarker is no where near the spawn spot for the NPC's. going on the picture I posted, it's as far past the NPC's as my character is in the picture. and when I fast travel I spawn on the COCMarker, but my companion and horse spawn with the others. i've tried using a horsemarker but that's doesn't make any difference.
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