I've got a solid pack of dogs at Sanctuary, some came from Gene, some were caught by Dog Cage of Wasteland Workshop DLC. All them look and act just the same, except one little difference. PC can start a "dialog" with a Gene's dog (it would bark or whine in response), while DLC dogs remain silent, and there seems to be no way to interact with them. It looks like both types of dogs have the same "WorkshopDog" Actor value. New instance (or reference?) of "WorkshopDog" I put to Sanctuary through Creation Kit behaves same as DLC dogs. Tried to create a quest to add dialog for it, but didn't succeed :'( I wonder what's the difference of Gene's dogs and how to make other dogs "speak". Hope for your help, thanks in advance. And just one more little question: is there any way to enable (make visible) script debug messages in game?