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Everything posted by Ormoulu

  1. That's surely possible. I'm sure someone is already working on that :laugh: What is really needed now is a better way of loading mods in game, without modifying original archive.
  2. I'm sure there _will_ be cheats and hacks with or without modding, 'cause there are for every online multiplayer. But I was thinking not of cheats but of things like optimizing and/or beautifying textures, lightning etc. The game really lacks that. Not interested in cbbe or adult content, I prefer that kind of things irl :laugh:
  3. Now It's quite obvious F76 is slightly recompiled F4. I changed F4 registry value to F76 folder and fo4edit opened the data file with only few errors due to unknown ids. I asked at the fo4edit page and this was the reply: I linked that to Cartogriffi one of the Bethesda community representatives, and he said that looked fine. So what is the point of knowing whether or not there is Fallout 76 support? Cartogriffi obviously could not speak as to what their anti-cheat plans are, but I can guarantee you they have some. I am testing things and communicating with them as to any known cheats we find or have heard of. So this is the xEdit comments section not the debate what is and isn't going to happen comments section so do not talk about it. I don't mind if I am wrong about any of this because nobody knows anything about it at all. If you need to discuss this and ask for clarification from Bethesda that's what their site is for. Feel free to start a thread on Bethesda.net about this. I think all that is very arguable though quite reasonable. Still I think things are not that much complicated. Bethesda allows modding because it gives them many cool things they can steal to new games, what we clearly can see in 76, and as for me I'm really happy to that fact :laugh: What's your opinion?
  4. That's right. This is what I found about Marowski: he's the part of DialogueGoodneighbor quest, and he has script DefaultAliasReadWhileSittingScript attached to his alias, which makes him PlayIdle(IdleBookReadStart) when sitting. That looks a bit hmm unnecessary complicated but should work for other npcs too.
  5. Those animations use animation markers. Maybe the solution is to create a marker for book reading, still I wish to solve the Marowski puzzle...
  6. I want to make npcs read books. The only actor in game I know who uses reading animation is Marowski from Hotel Rexford, but I can't understand how he's made to do that. I had an idea that it depends on his package, but other actors forced into GoodneighborMarowskiSitPackage use his chair but don't read. Marowski being relocated to other chair starts reading. In character's or references' forms I can't find any reading related features. Please can anyone help me with the animation? And help to understand what makes Marowski read because it really disturbes me )
  7. I've got a solid pack of dogs at Sanctuary, some came from Gene, some were caught by Dog Cage of Wasteland Workshop DLC. All them look and act just the same, except one little difference. PC can start a "dialog" with a Gene's dog (it would bark or whine in response), while DLC dogs remain silent, and there seems to be no way to interact with them. It looks like both types of dogs have the same "WorkshopDog" Actor value. New instance (or reference?) of "WorkshopDog" I put to Sanctuary through Creation Kit behaves same as DLC dogs. Tried to create a quest to add dialog for it, but didn't succeed :'( I wonder what's the difference of Gene's dogs and how to make other dogs "speak". Hope for your help, thanks in advance. And just one more little question: is there any way to enable (make visible) script debug messages in game?
  8. I'd like to make a mod that increases an NPC's (say, Trashcan Carla's) health, level and combal skills. It seems to work fine if I meet the NPC for the first time. But when I load a save made before the mod was installed and if the NPC already appeared in the game, it seems to stay as weak as it was. So I wonder if there is a way to reset it's HP and any other characteristics saved. PS: thanks for your understanding, I'm not a native speaker )
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