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Everything posted by Nessarose

  1. I originally downloaded DAO when it was recently offered for free and decided to upgrade to the Ultimate Edition for the DLC when it went on sale. Unfortunately, I loaded the game to find a complete disaster: my shiny new Dragon Age failed to recognize my mods, rendering my save game a mess. All non-cosmetic mods are affected (armor, class/origin unlocks, ect) regardless of their manual install or dazip status. (so I can't find any mods in-game in the 'installed content' tab, but characters that have morphs installed display the morphed appearance and my character is not missing her modded hair and eyes. Modded armor is invisible.). Mods do not appear on a new game, either. In the DragonAge_1 log, for example, it says "OnlineFeatures Enabled AddIn: wings_of_velvet," but that armor was previously equipped on my character and is now gone. I have not moved any files and everything was working perfectly before I bought the Ultimate Edition, so why is it acting up now? Is there a file I need to modify or delete? Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I installed OSR (Oblivion Stutter Remover) because it helped a lot on another computer, but after doing so, the game crashes immediately when trying to load anything. And while I had a few saves that worked, the next time I loaded Oblivion nothing, not even ancient saves from way-back-when, will load. Even if you completely remove the files and try to load a game you haven't yet tried to load (I've found sometimes the act of loading will destroy a save), the problem persists. The only way to actually play the game is...you guessed it, start all over. Naturally I'm not exactly keen on this and I don't understand why uninstallation doesn't fix the problem. Is there anything I can do to recover my saves?
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