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Everything posted by Deadone23

  1. Hello, as someone who lived in a communist country for 15 years I have one question; Why are Nazi mods deleted but Soviet mods are not? I saw alot of people lobbying to remove nazi mods but no one's complaining about the soviets, even if some of them are straight up glorifying the CCCP.
  2. Hi everyone! Im currently making 2 mods (a follower mod and a quest mod) and I wonder if there is a way to have unique Tranformations. What I mean by that is exemple: X NPC is a Werewolf and Y NPC is a werewolf too, but X is a Grey Werewolf and Y a regular werewolf (or they are Vampirelord and so on) So yeah thats it :3 PS: I allready know how to make Standalone NPCs if that can help
  3. Im ok with Odahviing and Durniviir but not for Paarthurnax. First its simply because to ''tame'' a dragon you have to ''bend his mind'' you kinda go Jedi mind trick on him and I didnt killed the blades to be sure he wont get hurt to finaly ''bend his free will'' to be my mount.
  4. Can someone make dragon riding like horse riding by that I mean you really control the dragon?
  5. Im currently recruiting a team to make a Tamriel in the 4th Era! So Its not Oblivion or Morrowind but you can go to both Cyrodiil and Morrowind (when Dragonborn will be out I will start working on this one) Im now starting with Hammerfell If Anyone would like to help I need: -Voice actors (later) -People who can make Static meshes -Armors -Weapons -Monsters -People good on Making quests Have a nice day :D Sorry for my bad english
  6. Not Lore friendly but +1 if there is no Cabage alien or Bird Rock Lee XD BTW I liked Gantz too even if it was weird with the 3d backgrounds some time
  7. Hello everyone! I am working on a Hammerfell mod and I'd like make some requests on things I tried to do but failed. First can someone take the giant Scorpion from Skymomod (still Downloadable on Moddb.com) and put it in a ESP So I can place some of them in the Alik'r desert and in some dongeons(not as an encounter in Skyrim). Second Some desert clothing and/or redguard themed clothes (like in Redguard :P) Finally, Some arabic/desert Staticmeshes I know its maybe a lot to ask but on my side Im making all the rest; the map and the quests. Im still reading on the lore of TES and studying the timeline. Sorry for my bad english I hope its understandable :) Have a nice day!
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