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Everything posted by thejim223

  1. Sounds good. Now I wish I had a clue about making mods. I have the attention span of a gnat and when things get technical I lose the plot. Thanks :)
  2. Hey man. These guys may be able to help you. https://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-7 Good luck and happy modding.
  3. Beth, as you say, could have done this. They were half way there with the Billy Peabody mini-quest. Here's how I am envisioning things: After some time fixing up Somerville, the kids old man could relate a sad tale to you. He'd bemoan losing his love and mother of his children in the Quincy massacre. He would say that in his heart he knows she is still out there, captive to the gunners. Track her down, kill all the gunners and bring her back alive, unlocking the ability to create settler companions. Other means of unlocking to be available of course. At first I thought this was a silly idea. Now I'm more sure about it.
  4. Okay, I know it sounds silly or quaint. But dad at Somerville is lonely, and a bad dad. Twice I have caught the boy up on the roof and that's just not right. I'd like to see a mod that creates settler companions, not just Somerville of course. But if you could assign a (chose your gender) parent/companion for essential settlers, I think it would be cool. These people should be makin' babies and repopulating the commonwealth. Not just farming and complaining about dirty fingernails all the time. Thanks for all the great mods, you authors are awesome.
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