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  1. PM me It is Wedding Dress re-texture mod, what is not in Nexus. I found it myself yesterday. ty for your help anyway.
  2. Looking one particular armor outfit (what this elf wears): http://i.imgur.com/Fj0w43f.png Any idea?
  3. Done, and sadly the 31 days waiting time in qasmoke did not help out (with clean save): Recent papyrus logs: I figured, because I'm not so deep in the game (just started new play through), I just might start all over. That script is broken and there is no way how I could fix it without just re-starting entire game. I will try the tool you provided and see if this will have any help for the issue, to those who has same problem in the future.
  4. Yeah thing is that I don't use a lot of mods: EDIT: list of mods with BOSS recognised plugins: EDIT: list of mods with BOSS unrecognised plugins: so that cause is very strange for me. Dragon Knowledge Spell.esp is the only possible thing what is even close to. But it alters the dragon souls and not the dragons behavior. I will try to refresh world space cell (I made current clean save with 7 days), thank you! I hope the 31 days cell will help to fix it.
  5. I tried to console random dragon at me, to see if this will reset the script , didn't help...
  6. Quite some time ago dead dragon fell down from sky in front of me (unknown cause). And since then sometimes when I leave from any city or cell into world space, same dragon keeps falling down at my location. Also because of this glitched dragon I get random CTD sometimes as I go into skyrim world space. I pinpointed out that cause of this is made by: dragonactorscript And my papyrus logs are confirming it: Any idea how I could be able to fix this issue ? Tried pcb and clean save load and still issue is there.
  7. Does anyone know what feather jewelry mod is used here? I'm interested more of the necklace ("feather ear rings" are just part of one hair mod, not downloadable in Nexus): http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/34690-1-1366134827.jpg
  8. Considering that this will be just a remake towards textures of the environment and animals and some objects such as the flora ingame, I don't see any reason why it would interfere with any Lighting, UI, or other mods created, unless if they use textures from the vanilla game that will be replaced. However mods that do use models that might end up being replaced by this mod may end up being a little bugged, but still it may be a price to pay for such a beautiful mod. I don't think that he's going to end up making sound remakes, however that would be pretty cool. Hope I answered all of your questions for you :) Also great work so far on the mod man, it's really coming together! Sadly no you didn't , the main thing what me and my friend here would like to know is performance question. And then everything else from mod author.
  9. This mod looks just insane! But there is some questions I need to ask (I just ask them here not in PM mail, because I'm sure other people want to know them also): 1. How much does this mod affect performance ? 2. How much does it change the bottom flora , like flowers etc and things what are mainly used on alchemy in Skyrim. 3. Does this mod will be compatible with flora changing/texture mods like: Skyrim Flora Overhaul (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/141) Skyrim HD - 2K Textures (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/607) SkyRealism - Grass (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25370) WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13268) or Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18916) Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450) * Does trees are at same location where Vanilla trees are? Simple reason is, that all the housing and other mods what use tree locators to place modules into Skyrim. Would be strange to have palm tree coming out my favorite hosing mod next to Riverwood for example. 4. Does this mod will have any DLC compatibilities ? 5. You mentioned, this mod will change weather system, so I assume this mod will not be compatible with mods what tweak any rain, snow systems: Supreme Storms (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27022) Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802) 6. Ofc I understand this textures are applied into Skyrim wilderness, but do you plan to make change to places what use ice inner cells ? Example: Around Winterhold it is now warmer, but caves are all made by ice around that area. Would be strange to walk in warm climate and then step into ice cave. 7. Is this compatible with lightning mods like: Realistic Lighting Overhaul (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450) RCRN v36 HDR - Your AllinOne Lighting and Immersion mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1875) 8. Audio, like around Glaciers you hear them cracking. Did you removed it ? Would be strange to hear ice cracking around huge rock mountains.
  10. And what is papyrus log telling you?
  11. Also try to look into papyrus and see what is the last error / script running before CTD ? If you do not have papyrus logs enabled, look here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/703954-are-you-having-constant-exterior-ctds-ive-finally-found-your-solution/ Give us last part of your latest papyrus.0 log (copy + paste here).
  12. Papyrus is showing this: --- ---- Seems like Cell load is causing Auto Save, and if Script is not working fine, it makes CTD. Issue started to came up after the completed Main Quest line. Since then this annoying script is making random CTD. It can happen during 30min game play or during 2h game play. I tried to look more info from the google, but seems there is no straight answer. Anyone is familiar with this issue and know how to fix it without starting new game ?
  13. I guess everyone got it... yeah... me too... ;( Yep, I do have same thing. It came after updating nmm into 14.0.0 version. Mods are still running fine, but updating or installing new ones is broken atm.
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