After you've become guild master of the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood you're supposed to be the most powerful crime boss in Skyrim. When you're still rising through the ranks in the thieves guild people like Vex treat you like s*** and when you have become guild master she still doesn't show the proper respect, like adressing you as boss like it should be. Now I have decided that something should be done about that meaning that she has to go. The thing is, I don't feel like doing it myself due to my rank as boss and rather handing out a contract to one of my underlings to do the job without others knowing that I was behind it. While other npc's can supposedly put contracts on your head, as guild master of the dark brotherhood you can't do that yourself which doesn't make sense at all... Now I know that you can command a follower to attack someone, but if you do that everyone still sees you as the perpetrator. So I would really appreciate it if some of the skilled mod makers around here could use their powers to make a mod that enables you to order your dark brotherhood assassins to kill someone just like you should as guild master in a role playing game. And what would be even cooler is to see them doing it in real-time if you follow them to their target. Don't know if this is too much to ask, but I thought of giving it a try...