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About Vancatu

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  1. That would make a good addition, but it should only happen occassionally with some of the richest and influential npc's as that would make sense. And it would be great if you could see it happening in real-time.
  2. NPC's can put bounties on your head, but the Dragonborn himself for some reason unknown cannot. So it would be great if someone could create a mod that makes it possible to put a bounty on an npc's head and send some thugs after this person, preferably assassins from the Dark Brotherhood. After killings hundreds of people I think you deserve to be in a position so that you can use others to do the dirty work for you, especially if you're the head of the Dark Brotherhood such as my character. I would love to see this option being implemented.
  3. Too bad some of the greatest mods are eventually abandoned..
  4. Sorry :D I've never played Oblivion unfortunately. And I do agree with you. The armor looks not so good in Skyrim. It's too dark and bland for my taste. No worries, you had good intentions by showing this one. It looks good in the video which is why I tried it out myself only to find out it's the same crappy port by some Russians that was posted here before. I wish the guy who made the original Sauron armor chest in Oblivion would make one again for Skyrim.
  5. Anyone planning on making this armor?
  6. That's NOT the Sauron Armor from Oblivion as I've tried it out myself. It's apparantly ported from a LOTR game and it looks terrible IMO.
  7. That would certainly be a good start and I support you for it (as far as that matters, lol).
  8. Also, Brynjolf still adresses you as 'lad' when you're guild master. Something should be done about that too, but as I respect him too much I just want him to get a beating instead of being killed. So an option to order one or more of your underlings to beat the s*** out of someone (pardon my French) would be cool too. :P
  9. After you've become guild master of the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood you're supposed to be the most powerful crime boss in Skyrim. When you're still rising through the ranks in the thieves guild people like Vex treat you like s*** and when you have become guild master she still doesn't show the proper respect, like adressing you as boss like it should be. Now I have decided that something should be done about that meaning that she has to go. The thing is, I don't feel like doing it myself due to my rank as boss and rather handing out a contract to one of my underlings to do the job without others knowing that I was behind it. While other npc's can supposedly put contracts on your head, as guild master of the dark brotherhood you can't do that yourself which doesn't make sense at all... Now I know that you can command a follower to attack someone, but if you do that everyone still sees you as the perpetrator. So I would really appreciate it if some of the skilled mod makers around here could use their powers to make a mod that enables you to order your dark brotherhood assassins to kill someone just like you should as guild master in a role playing game. And what would be even cooler is to see them doing it in real-time if you follow them to their target. Don't know if this is too much to ask, but I thought of giving it a try...
  10. I want to request a decent looking Sauron armor like the one in Oblivion. I know that this has been requested before but it seems there's still not a decent one available so I thought it could do no harm to ask for it again. I don't know if the creator of the original Sauron armor chest is still around, but if he is, I would very much appreciate it if he could create on for Skyrim as well. He did a magnificant job on the original one and it was probably my favorite mod at the time. And let's face it, a Sauron armor mod is even more appropriate for the world of Skyrim. I hope any of the skilled mod makers can make one in the near future!
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