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Everything posted by theseventhdog

  1. Well, it's intended just as a small mod altering the way carry weight is handled. Unfortunately when I tested it my character always threw away weapons and armor first. I have no problem with weapons slipping out of my hand (that seems somewhat logical when you have to balance a lot of stuff), but me standing there in my underwear just because I picked up an aluminium can could be seen as slightly unimmersive :-) So if I can't resolve this in some way I don't know if I'll persue this further. Maybe I'll have to come back to it when I know my way around scripting and the Creation Kit a bit better.
  2. Hey Palladium, thanks for your help! I followed your guide and it really works. BUT I found out that after reinstalling the game, Creation Kit and the Script Extender my version suddenly worked too. I must have messed up my installation somehow. So I'll playtest both mods to see if one is causing any issues. Anyway, your help's much appreciated, you've done this in a way I would have never considered, and I think I've learned a thing or two by following you along. One last thing that bugs me a bit though is that 'DropFirstObject()' doesn't really randomly drop items. As described in the Wiki: 'The definition of "first" is up to the code, and so this basically drops a random object. However it does it in such a manner that, if called multiple times, is likely to repeatedly drop the same kind of object until that object's stack is exhausted before moving onto the "next" stack.'
  3. What I'm trying to do is that whenever the player adds something to his inventory (picking items up from the world, buying from vendors etc.) a script checks if he gets over encumbered. If so he should drop random items from his inventory until he falls under his maximum carry weight again (like he's losing stuff because he can't hold or balance it any more). I've studied the Creation Kit Wiki and the forums here for the past days and figured that a reference alias script was probably the way to go. I set something up, but as this is the first time I'm trying something like this I don't REALLY know what I'm doing. The mod doesn't do anything in game, maybe someone here can tell from the screenshots what I've done wrong (if the error lies within the script or with the way I set up the quest) and give me some step-by-step advice. Thanks! And the code again: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scriptname Overencumbrance extends ReferenceAlias Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(none) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) While (PlayerRef.IsOverEncumbered()) PlayerRef.DropFirstObject() EndWhile EndEvent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Some time ago I made this Remington 1875 weapon mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19477 After a break I'm now trying to iron out some problems with it. One specific thing I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix is this: When reloading the gun (it uses the vanilla reload animation of the .44 revolver) it's clipping with the left hand in 1st person view (see screenshot). I know it's a minor thing most people won't even notice but I'm a perfectionist and once seen I can't unsee it. Over weeks I tried everything I could think of - altering the positions of the gun itself, its components or the hands, tinkering with Bounding Boxes, Node positions in Nifskope, Bodyslide, Blender etc. The problem is, whenever I get it right it messes up some other thing - the cocking of the hammer, the spinning of the cylinder, the gun's appearance in the inspection view of the pip-boy - or it introduces clipping in another place... I'm now about to give up unless someone here who has access to 3dsmax and some knowledge with FO4 animations would be willing to help me out and alter the reload animation for me (maybe lower the hand just a little or bend it some more...) Of course I'd really like a fully custom animation - the gun is not supposed to be reloaded like a modern revolver but through a loading gate. But I guess that would be a lot of work and too much to ask for. If anyone could help me with that minor tweak of the vanilla animation though that would be much appreciated. If you're interested please don't use the Nexus version of the mod, I'll send you a download link for the up to date version. Thank you!
  5. Hello everyone, I'm trying to make a nickel or chrome material for my FO4 gunmod. The problem is the Wet Material that's applied to the gun whenever it's raining messes up my material. I've been trying to fine tune the settings for the Wet Material in the Material Editor for quite some time now, but I can't seem to get it right. As the material I want to create is pretty shiny anyway I don't really want it to change with the rain. Ideally the gun should always look the same, no matter if it's dry or wet. I tried to simply erase the 'Root Material Path' but it didn't do anything. Maybe someone here can help me? Thanks.
  6. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! For weeks and months I've been trying to get the textures for my mod to work as they should. I was always told to use dxt5, and I too thought that Gimp didn't export the textures properly. So simple - dxt1, no alpha channel! Thank you!
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