Some time ago I made this Remington 1875 weapon mod: After a break I'm now trying to iron out some problems with it. One specific thing I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix is this: When reloading the gun (it uses the vanilla reload animation of the .44 revolver) it's clipping with the left hand in 1st person view (see screenshot). I know it's a minor thing most people won't even notice but I'm a perfectionist and once seen I can't unsee it. Over weeks I tried everything I could think of - altering the positions of the gun itself, its components or the hands, tinkering with Bounding Boxes, Node positions in Nifskope, Bodyslide, Blender etc. The problem is, whenever I get it right it messes up some other thing - the cocking of the hammer, the spinning of the cylinder, the gun's appearance in the inspection view of the pip-boy - or it introduces clipping in another place... I'm now about to give up unless someone here who has access to 3dsmax and some knowledge with FO4 animations would be willing to help me out and alter the reload animation for me (maybe lower the hand just a little or bend it some more...) Of course I'd really like a fully custom animation - the gun is not supposed to be reloaded like a modern revolver but through a loading gate. But I guess that would be a lot of work and too much to ask for. If anyone could help me with that minor tweak of the vanilla animation though that would be much appreciated. If you're interested please don't use the Nexus version of the mod, I'll send you a download link for the up to date version. Thank you!