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  1. I think it would've been better if you could've somehow made the mod profiling feature optional at the beginning of the install process. I don't know if that would've been practical from your end, and if not then no worries. It's just a thought. Anyway, keep up the good work with NMM. The program is second to none :-)
  2. This happens when you have the wrong lod tree atlas file (tamrieltreelod.dds) in the Skyrim/data/textures/terrain/tamriel/trees folder. Mods that add brand new tree types or alter vanilla tree lod will overwrite this file, as they need to use a new tree atlas which will include the new tree lods. You just need to make sure you're using the correct tree lod atlas for whatever trees you're currently using. Also, note that only one lod tree atlas can be used for the Tamriel worldspace at any given time, so just check that you don't have multiple tree mods (that aren't made to be compatible with one another) that each provided their own lod tree atlas.
  3. In response to post #10607489. That's what I want to know. I can't update it currently because it won't even allow me to login.
  4. Are large worldspaces above 4x4 quads basically a no-go?? I'm trying to generate land LOD for a large worldspace I've created a heightmap for. Generation in Oscape sometimes runs for a short while, and sometimes throws up an error mesage almost straight away, but each time a 'bad allocation' error message will come up. I'm also unsure which 'target of max resolution' option to select in the dropdown list in Oscape's generator tab. With the heightmap .raw file loaded in Oscape, I don't actually get any specific options of 256,000 or 320,000 1/1 of 1000 per tile (as which are suggested in tutorials) that show in the target of max resolution dropdown list, so naturally I imagine I have to select something else for generating from a larger worldspace heightmap, but to be honest I don't know what?? I've tried a few different options now to no avail. The .esm for this worldspace loads ok in Skyrim, so no problem there. Any help would be appreciated
  5. I feel your pain as the same thing is happening to me since the game updated to the 1.7 version. And I don't use the higher res texture pack. Say, I'll resume my save game in an interior, the game will run smooth, then I'll go outside and either it will start lagging at that point, or the lagging will start when I return to the interior where I'd just been. I've tried disabling all my mods and the same thing still happens. So basically my game is now broken. The game was running fine until the update, so it is the patch that has done something to the game that is causing the lagging. It has nothing to do with my current settings or mods whatsoever (same thing happens with all mods disabled). I mean, to suddenly get 5 FPS in a small interior cell where previously I was getting a constant 75, only tells me that the patch has done something pretty bad to my game... :confused:
  6. This 1.7 update introduces a huge amount of lag into my game, to the point where it's unplayable. Say, I'll start a save game in an interior, everything will run smoothly, then I'll go outside and the game just progressively turns into an unplayable lagfest. This still happens with all mods disabled as well.
  7. Just don't use cheat commands or cheat mods. I don't. And I don't because I believe that using them would ruin my gaming experience. And no, some people don't believe that and think the contrary. Good for them. I say do what you want to enjoy the game your way. It's your game, you paid for it :smile: Do whatever you want. If mods ruin the game for the person who wrote the article, that's too bad, but they don't ruin it for me, quite the opposite :no: . The article is just the opinion of whoever wrote it. Pointless reading if you ask me. And no, I never read it all. Got better things to do (such as working on my next mod :dance: ).
  8. 37 and have been playing video games on and off since I was about 6 with games like Pitfall & Asteroids on the Atari 2600, then played games on the ZX Spectrum through the 80s, didn't bother with gaming much in the 90s until about 1997 when I got a PS1. Played games on PS1 then PS2 up until about 2002 and then got a PC and got into PC games. Gaming is just as much fun for me now as what it was 30 years ago.
  9. Maybe try checking Bandicam out as well. Personally I find Fraps causes too much lag when recording Skyrim gameplay videos, regardless of which settings I use. Bandicam helps reduce lag in my experience, and also the output files are smaller.
  10. Would anyone know how to go about doing this in the CK? Any response would be appreciated.
  11. Small to no difference in performance I'd guess. The 290 and 295 betas already had Skyrim optimizations. Yeah, thought that would probably be the case
  12. Has anyone installed these after using the 290.53 drivers?? And noticed a performance increase?
  13. I've realised what the problem is. Basically I built a building which is like a large shack whereby it didn't really need a door and should've all been built in the external cell in Tamriel worldspace. However being the noob I am I built it in the internal cell, thinking I had to have a door on it and link it the the external worldspace that way. Stupid I know, but there you go. So now basically I need to transfer the whole building as it is in the interior cell over to the Tamriel worldspace. Is there any way I can simply transfer it over, or would I have to build it all again from scratch?
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