Are large worldspaces above 4x4 quads basically a no-go?? I'm trying to generate land LOD for a large worldspace I've created a heightmap for. Generation in Oscape sometimes runs for a short while, and sometimes throws up an error mesage almost straight away, but each time a 'bad allocation' error message will come up. I'm also unsure which 'target of max resolution' option to select in the dropdown list in Oscape's generator tab. With the heightmap .raw file loaded in Oscape, I don't actually get any specific options of 256,000 or 320,000 1/1 of 1000 per tile (as which are suggested in tutorials) that show in the target of max resolution dropdown list, so naturally I imagine I have to select something else for generating from a larger worldspace heightmap, but to be honest I don't know what?? I've tried a few different options now to no avail. The .esm for this worldspace loads ok in Skyrim, so no problem there. Any help would be appreciated