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That's fair, too. :) The fuzz looks a lot better on the new legs IMO. They look awesome!!
I don't mind that the legs have to be a bit more straight if it works better with the animations, but I do sort of agree with NightroModzz about the fur. It almost looks more like feathers to me. I would say a less fluffy-looking version might look better, if it's not too late or difficult to change it. Otherwise I think it looks great!! I also don't mind if other people would like the mod as well. You could even publish it if you want. I'm sure there are others out there like me who have wanted a proper satyr race for a long time. I'm not sure if you would need the permission of the creator of Custom Races, but I imagine you could just list that as a required mod and upload it. In Mod Organizer (not sure about NMM, never used it) it would just have to load after Custom Races to 'overwrite' the woodelf race included in it.
Oh my God, that looks amazing!! Seriously, thank you so much for working on this!! I absolutely don't mind waiting a little longer for the textures, take your time, I'm just thrilled you're doing this for me at all. I know how to edit armor values and the like in TES5Edit. If it's basic stuff I can probably do it. For horns I was just going to use this mod but is there a way to attach them directly to the head mesh? I kind of like just the forehead horns from this type: If it would be possible to use just those two forehead horns and remove the other parts that would be awesome.
Thank you again!! The copy of the files I got (you can find by googling) were definitely made for LE, I'm not sure if the person who uploaded for SSE did any converting to them or not. I think the issue with the deerborn mod is that it uses the female textures on the male mesh or something that makes males look weird and have texture seams. I made a female with the race for testing and she looks a little better (though I would personally prefer more faun-like legs than human legs with hoof feet). There are very noticeable texture seams on the feet even for female too, and the legs seem to sink into the floor even with the high heels mod installed (unless I did something wrong there). Overall I just found that the deerborn mod didn't really meet my specific needs, not to say it's bad or anything. If you wanted to RP a female character with it you would probably be much better off than male. I even tried poking into the files before making this request hoping I might be able to reverse engineer something myself but I couldn't figure it out, because there don't seem to be any male body meshes or textures present at all. I would be fine without boots, or just an invisible mesh for boots even (so you can get the armor bonus but it looks like you're not wearing any). I know I have used a digitigrade khajiit mod before with invisible meshes for most vanilla boots that work this way, and that is fine for me :) I imagine it would be less work for you too than having to fit the boot cuff meshes onto the hooves. I was thinking of having it replace the wood elf race, but I would prefer to use the nord head meshes so it looks more humanoid, if that's possible. Otherwise replacing one of the human races is fine too. I have different profiles in Mod Organizer and could easily just have a separate version of CustomRaces replacing, say, a nord with the satyr race only for that specific playthrough, so whatever is easiest is okay with me. I plan to use this on LE (I got SSE for free but haven't even touched it yet because so many of my must-have mods are still LE-only). Thank you again for doing this!
Sorry for the late reply. I don't think I can do that since the author has removed the files from the nexus and the only way to obtain them are from other people who have uploaded them...but if you google "nuska's modder resources download" you can find it pretty easily. Or, it looks like someone else uploaded it to the SSE nexus, which I assume would still work for classic since it's just meshes and textures: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11277/ I would really just like to add satyr-like legs to a regular male body (probably SoS, but BetterMales would be fine too). Just the default humanoid-looking textures for whatever body mod + fur on the legs would be ideal for me, so I'm not particular about using the fur-looking body texture in the images I posted. I would mostly just like to see those legs on a humanoid body, maybe with the tail included in the resource pack but this is not the end of the world for me. For clothes I figure just the usual bandit furs or forsworn clothes would be good. I also like the outfit in the first screenshot I posted which I believe I have, I think it's called witch armor or something similar? But the vanilla armors I mentioned would be totally fine if compatibility would be a problem. I assume any armor mods that don't cover the entire legs would probably work fine, so things like the bandit furs or forsworn clothes that have more of a kilt would probably work. If you could put something together like this that would be really awesome!!
This is I hope a simple request, but something I'm not sure how to do myself. I would like to see something like DreamBurrow's unreleased pan race: http://78.media.tumblr.com/802124be9a8bda7d206cd49c54fda976/tumblr_mx7e2awmIC1rio27yo1_1280.jpg http://78.media.tumblr.com/909d36b1b5eb49550997b48c2a7775dc/tumblr_mx7e2awmIC1rio27yo2_1280.jpg I do have the resource pack that was used to make this (no longer on the nexus) but I don't know what to do with it. I don't care that much about a whole custom race with its own stats and powers and everything (would be a lot to ask) but just the ability to use custom meshes/textures like with the Custom Races mod. The mod resource pack includes hooves, but it's just feet - I don't know how you would make the legs look like this, but I assume it would require a mesh edit which I don't know how to do (I think this DreamBurrow example used the elk legs). Just someone making a mesh like this that I could use with Custom Races would be enough. And before anyone says I do know about the deerborn race but this has some problems with males since it uses the female resources for them. I would really like to be able to make a male character with this type of legs.
I have googled all over but I can't find the best way to do this...apology if this is asked a lot. I have downloaded a follower replacement (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40725/?) that has his own head but uses my default body replacement for his texture. I like Drachis but his custom head does not look good with it, and I'd prefer to use the textures on him that are in his screenshots (JazzJrs) while keeping Drachis for all my other argonians. However I can't figure out how to get those textures to be used just by him even though I have looked through my standalone followers and follower tutorials. Most tutorials are assuming I will start from scratch and be importing from racemenu and I can't narrow it down to just the step I need, to take an existing mod like this, but tell it to use its own body texture instead of the replacer I use for everyone else. I have poked around in the ESP with TES5Edit and the CK to find the place to point him at the textures I want but I can't figure it out and I'm terrible at using the CK (especially with followers, they always get messed up if I try to touch them). I just want to tell this mod 'use these textures' but not have it overwrite those textures to be used by ALL argonians in my game. How can I make him 'standalone'? I am sure it is obvious but I've been trying to figure it out for hours and it's getting frustrating, so if someone could hold my hand through the process I would appreciate :)