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About SalmaGundy

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  1. Sorry - i reloaded my most bloated save game (195MB) - did as you suggested - and it's still saving at 195MB but after going back to my last non-bloated save and playing forward to the same point with the same mods installed i am holding steady at 8MB Glad your solution worked for you though - and now i have caught back up with myself I am happy too thanks
  2. i guess this will kill the mods running those scripts (or at least the script elements)? out of interest do you know which mods had scripts in the folder you removed? I have 'WATER' and 'Dovahkiin Relax' placed in there just before my problems began (NOT trying to point any fingers - just curious) however since going back to my last 8MB save i have encountered no further problems with all mods still installed
  3. I've seen posts of around 120mb before getting totally unplayable so still attempting to play at 210MB is quite 'impressive'...
  4. interesting - i wonder what the record bloat is? (not that it's a record i would be proud of having achieved...)
  5. Your theory has helped me solve the issues i was having (game freezing for 5 secs every minute - ages to save/quicksave) - I had got up to level 39 with 70 or so saves. I looked at the save games folder (which obviously I should have done sooner) - save 1 was 3MB, save 70 was 8MB however save 71 was 42MB, 72 was 54MB, save 73 was 150MB etc. - last Autosave was 210MB I had gone back a few save games to try and fix the problem - but not back far enough. Going back to the 8MB save seems to have cleared all issues. Now I had been adding and removing various mods/ENB (as I have from the start) - clearly something went awry - not within my limited expertise to say more Anyway - thanks
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