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  1. Could someone please make a Lure Weed marker? thx
  2. Could someone please make a mod that makes enemies more visible? Maybe just make the circles brighter. Maybe it's just my old eyes but I have the hardest time seeing enemy locations particularly when doing encounter setup. Thank you
  3. Well I quess it doesn't matter as I could not get London to run after exiting the train with a complete vanilla install. Ran great in caracter creation, punching so shrews, getting the pip, exiting the starting area. Take the train ride, step off, CTD.
  4. Can I run London from ModOrganizer 2? I have the GOG version (.163) of F4 and Fallout: London installed and working. I'd like to run London from MO2 and it seems to work except I get this error popup when the game boots: Check if loose files are enabled. PFRK will not work properly. Since I don't get that error when launching from Gog this must be related to MO2. so my questions are: What is PFRK? How do I enable "loose files"? any help please
  5. Is there any way to apply Red Fog to melee aliens?
  6. Could someone please make a mod that adds more classical tracks to the classical station?
  7. I'd settle for just getting rid of the "concentration" mechanic, one of the more annoying adds over the rule sets.
  8. Probably impossible but it'd be fantastic if the AD&D rules set could replace 5E. I learned D&D playing pnp 2nd edition and I think the developers have just taken the whole game down hill.
  9. Found: nerf stress on enemy crits This seems to work pretty much as I wanted. Still get a negative resolve result at to high a percentage but the roll comes less often so it's ok.
  10. Could someone please make a mod that just rebalances the results of the "resolve" results. Come on, these aren't neophytes; they should not be melting down at every little scratch! If there's already a mod please point me at it as I don't see it. Thank you.
  11. What I'd like is a mod that lets you adjust how long creatures and bound weapons last using an MCM menu. If Maybe there's already one and I'm not seeing it, if this already exists please point me to it.
  12. I trying to do the assault on the Ilusive Man base. I get to the dream sequence then I get the "loading" indicator and then just a black screen. Task Manager doesn't show it as not responding and CPU usage is 40% and GPU 60% but even letting it run 5 minutes does have anything happen. The game creates a new save called LegendSave.pcsav. I reloaded the game but this save wasn't listed. I've run file verify and I haven't had any problems with ME1 ME2 or ME3 to this point. Any help?
  13. Looking so good! Wish I had any relevant skills to contribute.
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