Hey does anyone want to take on the challenge of making fur armour with dragonplate attributes(as in its heavy armour and it has the same stats and can be upgraded), yea yea i know its just replacing the mesh, but can you make the armour standalone AND include the awesome blood splattered across his body? and since the orc isnt wearing a helmet i guess the helmet would have to be that necklace he's wearing :] Hey, i know deep inside, we all want to walk around skyrim, even for just a few moments, looking like that badass orc and then go out and kill a dragon...still looking like that badass orc. i'm just putting it out there cause i was on the mod tutorial on making standalone armours...well...lets just say that i'm not the most computer inclined guy and hey, ive been heavy armour for like 2 weeks now, i mean thats like 30 hours of gameplay holy s***, switching to light armour or restarting is too painful, i hate redoing dungeons! >_< hey if this has been done before ( which i don't think it has since ive been searching for "fur armour to heavy armour mod" and other searches similar to that ) , may i please have the link? you know what it doesnt even have to be exactly this, if a fur with dragplate attributes mod exists just link it to me (ive also tried to search for this with no luck) also the no helm mod removes everybody's helm! i dont want those poor virtual souls to not have a helmet :( they have enough virtual problems to deal with! whoever can make this real will have permission to think about me while theyre in the bathtub(or any of your preferred locations), and a billion thanks from me and other players who play skyrim just to walk around for 10 minutes just to look like a badass ingame, kill a dragon, feel awesome, nerdgasm, then log off. Thanks! so if you are brave enough to accept this challenge heres the list: 1. Standalone Fur Armour with Draonplate Attributes (craftable,same stats, upgradeable) 2. Chest piece comes with permanent blood across your body 3. if its even possible: make the helmet appear as the amulet instead (and your current amulet just wouldnt show) if this isnt possible then please delete this post, i wouldnt take it personally because if it aint gonna work, then it aint gonna work..mirite? ahah B)