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  1. After I exited the vault this problem didn't occur again thanks anyway
  2. I also did load, trust me I still copied using the steam function. Those highlighted in black don't make me move them I tried to disable all mods but it still gives this problem P.S: I keep remembering that if I create a new save and load the existing save, it will load quietly
  3. Hi, thanks a lot for the advice, I moved fallout to the root of the drive that I use as data and I removed the read only, it still does not start that save and freezes on the black screen. That bastard game already made me throw 3 punches on the desk, and I'm about to throw the fourth, do you have any advice? P.S: I had screened the wrong part of mod organizer 2, this is the real order: (see attachment) P.S2: what is UUFO3P?
  4. Hi, I recently wanted to play fallout 3 again, I installed the mods, some fixes and everything else. I start playing the first 20 minutes, I save and go out. Then when I come back and load the save by pressing "Continue" the game stops on a black screen. If I start a new game and load the save, the game loads quietly. Anyone know how to fix? I searched the internet but found nothing. I attach the list of mods. Fallout 3 tweaks guide i used: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2210333885
  5. You told me they are old and obsolete and I want to change them for something new
  6. For an experience with more perks and more weapon customizations
  7. Which mod can you recommend that adds perk that can replace UPP?Those two mesmetron mods, one makes it work every time and the other makes it work on everyone, do two slightly different things.Do you also have any alternatives to WMK to recommend?
  8. Hi everyone, I just wanted to play fallout 3, obviously with the mods, I installed a lot of mods and I started playing, I'm going to be in the first year of life (in game), save, then I come back, I try to load the save and it continues to go to a black screen, I have redone the save many times but it continues to crash, is there a solution?Mod list: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm AWorldOfPainFO3.esm CRAFT.esm CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp FollowerArmorUnlocked1.0.esp Sprint Mod.esp UPP - Pack 2.esp UPP - Pack 1.esp UPP - Experience Perks.esp UPP - Beverage Perks.esp Mesmetron Works on Everyone.esp MesmetronAlwaysWorks.esp JIP Fast-Travel Anywhere.esp CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes Cheat Items.esp CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes Dialogues.esp UPP - Quest Perks.esp CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes Optional.esp FO3 Better Followers.esp UndergroundHideout.esp WeaponModKits.esp Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp FO3 Better Followers - Sydney.esp WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp Super Mesmetron.esp PaladinoMcColl.esp
  9. Hi, I would like to add a little challenge also on the remastered so some magnanimous can create a mod that transforms all enemies into black phantom gravelord?
  10. So, I noticed that the mods that give problems are also old, I read on the internet that you have to put 3 strings on falloutcustom that I don't remember now, at the beginning it didn't work because I use Fallout 4 I start it from the Mod organizer, so I had to search the ini from the Mod organizer and I succeeded, I added the strings and everything is solved.
  11. yes and I've tried many times as well. But it only happens with the slightly old mods.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a problem, some mods don't have textures or sometimes they don't work properly. For example the minecraft mod on Fallout 4, showed the place on the pip-boy but in the boat the portal was not there. The mod liberty power armor does not have the texture of the liberty prime power armor. Power armor of the vault tec itself of the liberty prime power armor. is it my problem or the mods?
  13. Fixed, the problem was Underground Hideout and WMX-POPMerged.
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