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About pk842

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  1. Have tried .obj, .3ds and .nif as well, though they don't seem to make sense. Have also tried using Havok plugin to output a .nif animation, which works only in the previewing tool but not the game :facepalm:
  2. Just one night and this went to around page 10 w/o reply...sad :facepalm:
  3. Hi guys this is my 1st time posting here, hope I am not screwing you all :) So this is the mod I am concerning Okay in fact I only concern the kick animations rather than the turning poses... By putting them into actual use, I just found them sooooooooooooooo slow that I wanna take the arrow to my knee. So I tried to modify them with reference to this piece of tutorial. The softwares I've used are these: 3ds Max Nif Importer-Exporter hkxcmd 3ds Max 2012 x64 Things went fine until I was exporting the file into .kf format through my Max 2012...Sth like this happened: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/407522_10150768252285760_777825759_12447561_1320251075_n.jpg Have spent nights on it...still got no idea on wt's going on here. If anybody can have a suggestion here it will be appreciated. Thanks buddies :wallbash:
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