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Everything posted by gingimon

  1. This one right here, that's a good idea. thanks :D
  2. bumpy bump, dont want this to go to the last page of requests
  3. i do agree with you, but when I and i bet most of the modders/players say realism we mean less fantasy as in out of nowhere merchants have daedric armor for sale and such... but anyways, i know what you mean, and yes i understand that the daedric armor actually is lore friendly by means and is supposed to be able to create, i for one just tihnk it looks too OP and too godly, for even a person who's been everywhere talked to everyone and all that be able to buy it, create it and find it...
  4. 1st request; thanks for helping out with that, only accessible via a forge would be awesome :D 2nd request; thats not what i meant at all!!! i meant the bag with all the stuff and all those as examples of character inventory problems which arnt realistic - no need to create those things! (even though making a horse that only follows you, you can ride it, immortal, that you click {E} to use your inventory, per say loot you put on him and not on yourself. okay and about the thing itself; i meant using - lets say - banded iron armor? - the shoulderpads, leg things, chest, all are STRAPPED, meaning with using the right meshes from different clothings, we can place under those things, parts of those clothings and retexture the whole set; after we've done that we take off the iron parts, and finish the model of clothing, texturing it the same as with iron. same process with gloves, boots and headgear (maybe headgear). and i already have an idea; using the iron armor, making it darker as if it's ebony, and using ragged trousers as base pants but instead of the rope belt we can already replace it with the belt from the iron armor.
  5. first off amazing idea! i can help with quest creation (not modding stuff but thinking them more intensive). ~~ i have bad english, enjoy it ~~ anyways as for a place? south of the hold city Morthal there is a cottage named Drelas' Cottage, there lives a dunmer which attacks on sight, but i believe we can make him a key npc; Drelas' cottage can hold an enterance to this series of tunnels, at the begining of them there are some khajiit and argonian guards, and more inside you see more and more refugees, and then you reach a large wooden door; its name is "Door to the undercity of Morthal", there what you guys said exsists. as of Drelas (the npc) i believe we can put an argonian npc there and a khajiit one aswell. And you probably ask yourself- how would carraiges and such go thru a tiny hole in the cottage? Simple - at the Cold Rock Pass, there is another door, quite hidden. after that door there is another exterior of the undercity, which has the same things but because its flat, and there is a door not a hidden hole, its filled with carraiges and things that khajiits use to go sell and what not.
  6. actually in batch files (bat) the command coc doesnt work and as said above me its just easier to type in console 'coc riftenraggedflagon'
  7. i guess its true but that the feel it gives me and i'd be happy if someone would create an esp that disables it being created and being sold by shops
  8. i also think a big bag is too much, i took it all as an example of no realism in player related things as well. though about the big bag, i suggest making a special horse that cant die and you recieve it as thane in solitude, and you use it to hold all your lugagge as you ride it as well. it is a good point, but for me its unrealistic to have a demigods armor set and be able to create it, if not disable it from game, create more daedra related queasts that give you the armor set and weapons and all of them enchantable
  9. Okay so as the topic says realistic armors - i would be glad if someone would make an .esp that deletes daedra armors and weapons, maybe the weapons can become dragon weapons; because c'mon, how the hell would some random merchant have daedra gauntlets, or even better how can the player create that set of armor? its stupid and overpowered for what i think, and would be nice if someone can make that be deleted also skipping from ebony to dragon with out daedra... and if we're talking about realism another request i have is to make 2 standalone sets; 1 is armor the 2 is clothing, when i say this i mean it; its kind of wierd enough duel wielding shows the main hand's weapon only and the fact you can carry 300 pounds with no bag or sack or anything, so i say to add realism is to create a set of armor that you can see benethe it a pair of plain pants and a white t shirt; meaning you go fight some bandits and you want to camp for the night? you take off the armor it self and go rest with more casual clothes... would be glad someone would talk with me about this...
  10. well as i read from the beginning i was amazed. (sorry for bad english, im lazy) i have no idea how to mod anything, i fail at it, so sorry i cant help with it i agree with many of the things said and here are my suggestions: Solitude: 1} as Assy said before me i agree with those, but even expand it more, creating a minor town which evolved with the years into a middle class district which has an inn and a few houses on the road to the lighthouse, because as i walked to the lighthouse i noticed how stupid it is to have the light house empty and controled by bandits roaming around, so why not have a small 'beach' town until it reaches it? also have another side of the town below the arc, or maybe a private beach mansion, which has a stair case inside the arc up to the blue palace? therefore the important people of solitude had this mansion for vacations, and ofcourse place in there servents and more thanes living there. 2} i thought of a 'rich' inn for solitude for high class travelers; the 'balcony' or the 'arc'; on the wall (in the high class part of solitude) in direction to the ocean lies an inn which has an exit to skyrim, this exit actually is a large balcony filled with tables and chairs, maybe a bartender there too, and its all hanging on the arc, maybe could be connected by a long staircase to the main docks, ofcourse the staircase would be in touch of the arc all the way. Whiterun: as you guys said about expanding it with a farm and all i agree completely, and even want to enhance it, adding a farm which is owned by the player himself, with 2 so called housecarls that tend it. Riften: as much as expanding riften sounds awesome, i dont believe it should, cause it is small but it's okay that way, and if you do choose to expand it, do not reach line of sight to the blackbrair lodge, it'll ruin the lore of riften. Windhelm: it all sounds awesome, but i think first project here (which is probably very hard) is to move the graveyard outside and replacing it with more manors; though it might have to disable the quest there meaning that hjerm needs to be texturized to disable the blood stains. Markarth: the warrens ideas are amazing, i would really expand that idea to this one: one of the rooms in the warrens contains a secret passage leading to an undercity. this undercity also is connected to the mine and to the silverblood inn. after finishing the thieves guild influense in markarth, the undercity becomes rich and booming, with silverbloods drinking there and even a concept of adding a poker table there those are my ideas best of luck to you all, and as i said i have no idea how to mod (anything) so i am willing to help by giving ideas and such :D
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