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Everything posted by RockenJenAnn

  1. Can someone take on the mod of the ages, one I know I've been awaiting for years, but I never so much as see a request, or even a mention. A mod that makes drunk visuals impossible to show, perhaps one of the most ridiculous visual effects I think. It's so uncalled for, it baffles me, for alcohol to blind you. If you have Frostfall, 10 drinks kills you cause exposure is added to you after they wear off whether they removed exposure or not, so blindness is kinda overkill anyways in those circumstances.
  2. that did it, in combination with the resurrect skill I now have all the appropriate bonuses thank you guys so much, now I can finally play skyrim the right way. To Remove "Ghost Effects" 1. use the "player.resurrect 1" command to remove ALL effects. 2. save and close skyrim, restart and reload your save to reapply racial bonus 3. use "player.addspell <ID>" to manually reapply all your justified effects **NOTE: I have noticed that after following these steps my perk abilities are not being applied correctly, for example I am not able to zoom in with a bow or dual cast destruction spells even though I have perks in the slots; however, I was able to fix this as well by using the following mod... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3665 cheers This worked so great. Too great. I was trying to remove bleeding effects and dispelling modded mgrefs doesn't work because the console will just roll it's eyes and pretend that ref doesn't exist if it's added by a mod. Reminded me that you can't actually remove spells from NPCs if the spell is added by a mod too. Pretty stupid. But that's the way it's been since I started modding. Using resurrect 1 was the key. It removed all effects. I quit , loaded that new save, my Nord race frost resistance was back, as well as Frostfall. And then I just went through my MCM resetting about 30 mods that add active effects. My character needs around 120 effects to function properly with the amount of mods I have, so there. It works. Its just a lot of work. Lol. it definitely won't work for me because I have too many mods that add effects that will not function properly now. Thank you so much everyone for this thread. Please keep it. Don't stop trying to find better ways too, because this is nuts. Hopefully someone finds a way to remove stupid effects because apparently it's an epidemic, has been for a long time, and there is still no fix that won't ruin a heavily modded game completely.
  3. That's the nice thing about joining the stormcloaks. So after you finish the Civil War, the Thieves Guild Missions, alllllll of them, meaning even the little Guild Master ceremony "Under New Management" and then she is killable for me. I always take over Goldenglow (with the help of the mod) and slowly eliminate any trace of Maven, except for her daughter of course. She's a crap person, but not a tyrannical one, I guess. I mean, then all I would need is a mod to make Ulfric not a racist, or you just annihilate the Empire and then kill Ulfric and become the High Queen. GOALS
  4. I used to use a mod for Oldrim to make the potions not light me up like a gleaming fairy queen. It's ridiculous, especially if you love the practical fantasy contradictory gameplay like the Witcher series. I was just wondering if someone could remove those visuals once more, and be the hero! OMG, that makes me wonder, what if there was a mod that made your veins show up your neck and face when you drink a potion. Like different colors for different potions. That would be pretty legit. Anyroad, what does the Nexus think?
  5. Eisen Plate Armor. XAC SSE. And omg! zzjay's wardrobe adds such an awesome set of plate armour to which you may even be able download texture replacers for.
  6. It's amazing! Thank you so much! The smoke is awesome! Wayyy better than being a fire atronach for 30 seconds.
  7. It's the mod you'd definitely think was already here. Is there someone willing to make it impossible to be lit on fire? Let the damage stand but it's sooooo unrealistic. I'm not soaked with gasoline everywhere I go, and realism aside, it looks stupid and it's annoying. Who's wit me?
  8. I mean, you do you; if you prefer Vortex to MO2 and it does the job adequately enough in your eyes, that's great. I was simply making a recommendation to somebody who pretty obviously doesn't know a lot about mod managers. As for the UI, I personally find it to be pretty efficient; everything is right there in the open, more or less. But of course, that's entirely subjective. I just think it's kinda harmful (for lack of a better word) to just say "You should be using Vortex"; it implies that it's the only viable option available, and that simply isn't true. Well, if you say so.
  9. Yeah, I don't think it's quite that serious. You don't think you're being a little overdramatic? Let's calm down and have a sip of tea now, shall we?
  10. That might not help, consideting MO2 is the same exact thing as Vortex, but with a less efficient looking UI. Now that Vortex works in perfect conjunction with tools like Wyre Bash and has a built in LOOT sorter, MO2 is more of an advanced control interface version of Vortex and that'd be all.
  11. I highly recommend that you update to the latest version no matter what your issue is, or you are asking for problems. lol. That's personal experience. But NMM is your first mistake. Yes, things have definitely changed around here. But don't worry. You should be using Vortex regardless. You should have Windows 10 installed to attempt any of this. Windows 7,8, etc. may give you trouble, but it can be done. Whether you are using Skyrim LE or Skyrim SE, it doesn't matter. Both are amazing, and both should be updated to the max. SKSE does not work very well for SSE just yet. So patience and all that. lol. I'm not playing SE til it's done, personally. Moreover, he Vortex mod manager IS the Nexus Mod Manager completely redone. It is so superior, I just can't begin to stress how many times it has saved me during the installation of mods. It automatically finds conflicts for me and gives me solutions instead of just an error message. Please, download it, and familiarize yourself with it. Seriously, just have a blast looking around in Vortex and explore its features. You will be very happy with it.
  12. This guide should help you accomplish this task: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ac6v1o/any_guides_on_importing_models_into_skyrim/
  13. Are you saying you are using DSR (Dual Sheth Redux) too? If so, XPMSE has a page during installation that requires you tick the compatibility for DSR. Did you run FNIS properly after installing DSR and XPMSE? Are you a PCA user? Using Pretty Combat Animations is purely optional, but can make it looks better when equiping/unequiping dual wield weapons of any kind. If you are not using DSR, then what you are seeing is entirely right.
  14. I used to have a lot of reasons. Now i am just waiting for the Script Extender to be complete. Once I can use all the combat animations and the 1,577 animations i have loaded into FNIS with Skyrim Special Editin, you better believe I will play it more, and just throw away Oldrim, but modders are like turtles. They win, but most of the cheering audience has fallen asleep or gone home by the time they cross the finish line.
  15. Thank you, Nexus. I'm sure it will be fine. After this, I'm sure you'll be more secure anyways. Sometimes it has to happen. I know some websites pay people to hack a private server with nothing at all in it, just to find holes in their security. I don't know if you have the budget for that. Those Software Security Research groups are pretty expensive. But if you would, consider doing it in house with your own techs. You might find an easy way to improve your site security.
  16. In response to post #75838293. I'm sure they wanted to gather as much information as possible so they could dispath the information properly, not to mention, it costed the Nexus time and money to notify everyone, no matter who.
  17. The wonderful Inns and Taverns mod managed by the wonderful menathradiel (Yeah I copy and pasted, not spelling that) is incompatible with nearly all the mill expansions. It's obviously a mod that no one would ever want to part with, including me, but it's such an upsetting position really, the lack of collaboration here. Can SOMEONE, OH almighty modders of the Nexus! Oh ye people we lowly maggots walk on eggshells around all the time cause we don't want to step on your toes or piss you off, please...just...take all of those mill and village mods, and relocate a few buildings and terrain pieces and then simply reupload them? Or just like...make a merge mod...or something? Whatever you call the thingamajiggy that I'm talking about. This is probably an outrageous task right? But it would certainly make a LOT more mill and village mods downloadable, and bring in a huge amount of endorsements. Out of the 12,400 downloads Inns and Taverns received, I calculate with my dumb blonde brain, that villages and mills would get at least 4,000 to 5,000 downloads on average due to how many people would love to not have to download the Inns one by one to maintain compatibility. I mean, who uses bashed patches anyways? or merged mods? Or whatever those are? I certainly don't know a single person who ever has used any of those things. And I know a HEEEECK of a lot of people who mod Skyrim. I can't even say Bethes--before someone brings up modding nowadays.
  18. Gods, these forums are useless... Maybe I'll have more luck with Reddit?
  19. I have no mods that affect Solitude in any way, except for Immersive Hores, and possibly Lands Pathways and Forts Reborn or whatever the hell those two mods are called, and yet I am getting crazy CTDs anywhere within sight of Solitude. I have this problem no matter how few mods I have instaleld. I am really hoping that someone can recognize one of my mods as a factor in this CTD issue. I am not tech savy. I don't even use those Bashed Patch things or whatever, and have no intention of doing so. I eliminate mods by trial and error, but I cannot seem to pinpoint the mod causing this issue. . I have the latest version of Skyrim Legendary Edition with the latest SKSE as well. My PC is a 16GB Quad-core at 4.2GHz with a 8GB GPU (Radeon Red Devil), and is very much able to handle anything that comes its way. The drivers are up to date. DirectX is up to date. I use Vortex (because it is way better than the MO 2 garbage) and everything in my game functions beautifully except this issue. I would give you my mod load order, but I have no idea how to do that, and I'm not typing them all in, so please if you think you can help, just let me know how to use Vortex to copy that load order. If you don't use Vortex yourself, I'd rather you not reply to this topic as the inexperience with Vortex will only complicate my issue. Below is my FNIS load up: FNIS Behavior V7.5 11/20/2019 12:22:00 PMGenerator: C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exeSkyrim 32bit: ??.??.?? - Skeleton(hkx) female: Unknown (126 bones) male: Unknown (126 bones)FNIS.ini PSCD=0FNIS.ini InstantExecute=1FNIS.ini RedirectFiles=C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_UsersPatch: "GENDER Specific Animations" Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Patch: "File Redirection (Vortex/MO profiles support)" Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for Running with Bow" Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon" Patch: * xp32's "Momo Acrobatic Jump" Installing FNIS PCEA2Reading FNISBase V7.5 ... Reading FNIS_PCEA2 V1.3 ... Reading MomoAJ V?.? ... Reading XPMSE V7.2 ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files.... 16 GENDER modifications for Animations\male 45 GENDER modifications for Animations\femaleAlternate Animation mods: 2 sets: 45 total groups: 89 added file slots: 1144 alternate files: 721 Creature Pack not installed 724 animations for 4 mods successfully included (character). 0 Warning(s).Generated files redirected to C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
  20. Thank you! I managed to fix it because I updated SkyUI within Vortex, but I just found out that when I click "Replace" Vortex has just been installing the new version and leaving the old version installed, so I uninstalled all old versions, including SkyUI, and all my map markers are working great now. Weird Vortex. UPDATE: Nevermind, Vortex removes both versions when I uninstall the old one from the little drop down menu on the version number. But now I can't reinstall it so I'm completely screwed, because now it's saying my .Net is damaged or outdated, BUT I can't do anything about it because every single version I download says it's not for my version of Windows.
  21. So I've been playing Skyrim since it came out, and I've always had to deal with quest markers glitching out and flying all over the map sending me on wild goose chases. It's always bothered me that this topic is NEVER addressed, and whenever I search it online, I am lead to topics where people comment, "That happens to me to. It sucks." Like, really? Is there really no way to stop this. And now it's getting worse. I just set up Skyrim with Vortex. As soon as I start a new game, literally EVERY SINGLE QUEST MARKER IS POINTING TO THE WRONG LOCATION. My neighbor uses a PS3 with vanilla Skyrim and says it's normal for Misc. Quests. SERIOUSLY, NEXUS, where are you with this??? Whatever fix you have, it must be THE MOST hushed mod in Nexus history.
  22. Why isn't this mod made and displayed yet? Back in the days of the Legendary Edition's final releases modders were getting **** done! Now it's like...whatever.
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