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  1. Thank you for the valuable information, but that was not exactly my question. Let me specify, because I've just found the entry "LNAM - NPC add ammo list" each weapon has, which might be part of the solution. So, the Combat Rifle has the following two entries in FO4edit (among many others): DNAM - Data // Ammo: Ammo45Caliber ".45 Round" [AMMO:0001F66A] LNAM - NPC add ammo list: LL_Ammo_CombatRifle [LVLI:000E0303] If I now changed the Combat Rifle to use "Ammo556 "5.56 Round" [AMMO:0001F278]", how should I change the "LNAM - NPC add ammo list" entry to ensure all enemies using the combat Rifle have the right ammo in their inventory (and can actually use the gun!)? Would changing it to "LL_Ammo_Assaultrifle [LVLI:0018ABDE]" work right? The expected behavior would be that each combat-rifle using NPC would spawn with a few rounds of 5,56 ammo and could use his gun. Then again, what's with those NPC'S/enemies that spawn with a combat rifle, but have the .308 conversion mod on their gun? EDIT: I found the .308 mod in the "object modification" main category. It seems to make changes both in the "Ammo" and the "NPCAmmoList" entries, so this should be a non-issue for the question above.
  2. Hi to all, this is my first topic! I don't like how the vanilla weapons have weird ammo choices, like the .45 being both a weak SMG bullet and a powerful rifle bullet. It's unimmersive and badly balanced IMHO. All the existing mods that touch the topic are either outdated or "too much" (I don't want to add 50 weapons using 20 ammo types to the game, just the vanilla experience done right). Question: If I change the "Tommy Gun" SMG to use .38 bullets, will the Triggermen and other enemies using it "automatically" get the right ammo? Or will they charge at me with their bare fists? I'm hoping that there is some automatic implementation, considering that gun mods may change the ammo type for a weapon. Changing the ammo type in FO4edit is relatively easy, but adapting all leveled lists is far too much for my modding skills. Thank you!
  3. Thx again for the quick reply ! :smile: As I said, i only see a way to reduce HP by an absolute number, which has multiple issues. - The effect diminishes through HP's gained at level-up. - I create a hidden modifier of the "Health" value, which can't be checked through a console command. Is there some multiplier I could use instead of modifying health directly? EDIT: After my followers stopped doing insane damage, I found out that they aren't so invincible after all. They do fall, but on the essential setting of UFO they just recover to fast. It''s like five seconds until they rejoin the fighting. Maybe lowering their health regen rate during combat will fix my issue? Have to try out...
  4. Thx! I actually found the AttackDamageMult command, which should work for every non-magic attack: *click follower* (his ID appears) forceAV AttackDamageMult 0.25 This should reduce the damage done by followers by 75%. In a short test against a dragon, reducing their damage by 90% made it impossible for them to significantly damage a dragon, while after reverting the value to 1 they killed him in a minute. _____________________________ Now I'd still need a way to make them take less damage before going to their knees - Otherwise they tank too well, making the game still rather easy. It should be possible to subtract e.g. 100 hit points from them, but an absolute number seems like a "dirty" way to fix things. You create a hidden modifier with this command and have to remember what you did, unlike "AttackDamageMult" which can be checked using "getav AttackDamageMult". Also, when you substract 50% of you followers HP on level 20, he'll gain HP normally each level constantly reducing the effect of what you did - in short, it's tiresome this way. It would be "nicer if they'd just take twice as much damage from every attack or if they'd have exactly half the hitpoints they should have.
  5. Hi! I use UFO and would like to take 2 or 3 followers with me. However, since all their bugs are fixed in UFO and they level with you, they are severely overpowered. Even with 2 followers, you just have to keep yourself alive and they'll do the rest. Standard difficulty settings just change your outgoing damage and the damage done by NPC's, so the follower vs enemy relation never changes. Followers will need the same amount of hits for an enemy on every difficulty! The author of UFO doesn't make his followers essential, so he doesn't share my problem. There hasn't been a decent solution for the problem from his side so far, although he's been asked several times about it. For me, making followers non-essential wouldn't change the problem. Weaker enemies would still be killed easily by Lydia & friends, while fighting against strong enemies with non-essential followers would mainly increase reloading and not the fun I have during fights. A simple, quick and dirty soultion could be a ring that reduces ALL damage when worn, but I'm sure there are better solutions! Thx in advance!
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