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Nexus Mods Profile

About buggybrian

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Basically, I setup all my plugin files in Creation Kit so there can be multiple mods into one plugin file. (Usually categorized)
  2. I'm trying to delete an file from the archive (basehumanFemaleskin.bgm) because it overlaps the CBBE mesh, can anyone help me delete this or if that's not possible fix this problem. P.S: Yes I did the the TextureSet up
  3. I actually figured something out, it's an archive file that's messing up. This one.
  4. Thanks for the help, I actually have the Texture Set setup and Skin Texture selected on the Torso but it's still showing up like that tttt.png first of all this not the right texture in BS (Body Slide) this i the texture for non adult. I had the same problem it´s not easy to fix ( a matter of Load order) Therefore I use "Beautiful Female Settlers, Better Settlers, Beautiful Female Settlers Merged Patch etc. Since then i don´t have any black stuff on my beauty´s anymore I'm sorry I'm confused could you explain a little better?
  5. Thanks for the help, I actually have the Texture Set setup and Skin Texture selected on the Torso but it's still showing up like that
  6. So I'm not that familiar with Creation Kit but I am using it to install CBBE (looonggg story) and I got everything but this weird texture glitch. Take a look and tell if you can help.
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