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Everything posted by Xxxilef

  1. Heya :smile: I've always got a lil' confused in basic bethesda games Journal quests sorting In starfield, i would enjoy to sort all of my quests "by the planet/system" i'm ACTUALLY ON :laugh: to have a clearer orientation of where and what to do in the area without so many times in menus to check/uncheck quests P.S : i know there is a "show all markers" option : but i do not find it convenient enought, it does not order the quests in the journal itself ! :pinch: Thank you for reading :D (sorry for double posting on general starfield forum, wasn't sure where to post it :happy:)
  2. Heya :) I've always got a lil' confused in basic bethesda games Journal quests sorting In starfield, i would enjoy to sort all of my quests "by the planet/system" i'm ACTUALLY ON :laugh: to have a clearer orientation of where and what to do in the area without so many times in menus to check/uncheck quests P.S : i know there is a "show all markers" option : but i do not find it convenient enought, it does not order the quests in the journal itself ! :pinch: Thank you for reading :D
  3. Yeah so after all this tests the only solution for instability comes from mod(s) I have to try without a few then locate the one(s) but ... i'm going to play like this a fiew for now :P
  4. yes i use crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 and i did Memory blocks log tests in a fiew places (Windhelm docks, Sovngarde, Whiterun as it a lot modded), near whiterun where i lag a lot too ... The only things that seems strange is that the biggest blocks are always Block1 : 144MB / 85 / 85 ... Block2 256MB / 8 / 8 ... No matters the place, the time of test and what im doin' there (even popping a lot of high spells, fightning everyone etc). Yes i have the SKSE Preloader ^^ So, using SSME + Crash Fixes is in a way the same thing as Crash Fixes + memory patch + SKSE Preloader, but in a less personalised way ?
  5. SSME and SKE Plugin Preloader , its not the same thing ? I always thought it was.
  6. It's stable, more or less, i only crash sometimes on a QuickSave during combat or high loading zone but even so its rare. Near Whiterun i have a big FPS loss when i look to the near farms and fields (the ones with the giant killed by The Companions), i dont know why, i'll see that later !
  7. A file was corrupted in Holds Required Meshes and Textures and Scripts from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74638/? Holds the city overhaul ^^ it was a mesh in relation with a Cloak mod needed for Holds. Finally :laugh: Thanks you for your help ! You're the boss :
  8. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43063/? ^^
  9. oh oh oh i didnt think about that, what a dumb i'am XD maybe http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43063/? & http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74638/? conflict
  10. ill try the basic mod way one by one :'o
  11. xD Valided all that NIF Healer edited in OUT folder ... Still this crash, when getting near winterhold :(
  12. j'en ai fais la moitié et il me reste 4000+ fichiers a faire encore XD SSD ftw !
  13. No need to delete the old .nif ? the xxxx_new.nif is enought to replace ?
  14. Ah, finally something appeared :p I dunno why but the 2 first scans didnt pop anything in Out folder, the 3rd time few files came out ! I'll try thoses
  15. 0 corrected files in Out folder ... still crashing :( (i've modified the screen up, first was a mistake ^^)
  16. Yeah thats what i did Nothing appears in Out folders, NIF cmd windows shows nothing special, every file tested says [iNFO] (main): PROCESS COMPLETE (nothing changed). Except the final lines, means there a problem with skeleton ? http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/961178Sanstitre.png
  17. So i'm pasting them manually to NIF healer, hope that work :D
  18. Hm, i've no other files accepted buy BSA Browser, i already took all the .bsa from my skyrim/data I can't find any .nif files by the way :tongue: i mean, i find them in my Explorer, but BSA Browser dont want them
  19. Ok i figured out, have to select the in folder, not to extract somewhere else then c/c files PS: In fact not xD still 0 files added from BAT
  20. Ok lets do this. So i've extracted all the .BSA i could find in my skyrim directory together, thats a lot ^^ I've put all the contents of the Meshes folder extracted into "in" Nif ... But nothing appear when i run the Bat, did i do something wrong ? It says "0 fichiers copiés"
  21. ok i'll try, verify local cash thought Steam wont risk to change any moded ressource ? :o
  22. Works well, even better with ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to false but i have a corrupted mesh now ... I can figure it out from CreationKit from his ID / 0x2020e2D form / 0x20203c40 base / (im not sure to do it right anyway). Is there a way to find / locate a Mesh with his ID ?
  23. didnt change it but i had a lot of crash yesterday after Direct X installation, i'll try too
  24. Merci de ta réponse =) J'ai résolu le problème entre temps ... Et c'est un problème que j'avais déjà eu par le passé ! xD Quand on vient de réinstaller windows certains plugins Direct X des versions antérieures ne sont pas installés avec ... D3dx9 ne pouvait être lu par mon pc ^^ j'ai donc téléchargé les fichiers necessaires http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/directx.html et installé direct x 9.0C qui contient la version de la Dll d3dx9 nécessaire à l'utilisation des ENB de boris =)
  25. Hello everyones =) I just invest in a new computer and re-installed Skyrim in order to try this new little Baby :3 My computer specs : There shouldnt be any problems for a moded skyrim with this kind of build ... But infortunatly, after following this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/? guide to mode my freshly installed Skyrim ... The game just dont work. Loot shows no conflicts TES5 load everything correctly to the end without errors Steam / NMM / Skyrim are all installed into C:/Program files SKSE and everything else up to date The issue is a simple Crash at the launch of the game, Bethesda intro then crash ... I arleady had this kind of problems in the past and it was always relative to memory usage. But this time i'm stuck :s i dont understand where it come from, except maybe the fact i'm now on Windows10 (was on 7 before) and the memory is capped on this one, but even there it seems strange to me. SSME log says : Here is my Skyrim.ini (i didnt really tweaked it):And Skyrimpref :Eventually Enblocal (i've try many things for the vram, 2048, 4096 , 8192 ... to max vram+ram-2048 : Here a Crash dump : Here is a loot log i did for my post, i hope someone can help me :D
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