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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I am really going to enjoy your finished product. The more, the merrier!
  2. I am just going to wait for the final version of the survival mode. Ain't no way I can play without mods.
  3. This is going to rock my 8@775 off!
  4. I believe a mod that makes a massive undersea cave system would be very popular. Heck, the creator could even make a questline(s) related to exploring said cave system. The possibilities are endless...not to mention a virtually unlimited amount of space...heck, a new cave system that is connected to it could even reach inland.
  5. This is related to the mod SATELLITE MAP or whatever it is called. I am using the color version, but the map icons are too big/too far to the north of where they should be. Does anyone have ideas of how to get them to the right spot? I followed directions of adding lines to the ini's. Who knows...maybe I added too much or in the wrong place?
  6. #1 on my wish list... A mod set in the land below the ocean bottom...maybe a giant cave system that got bored out.
  7. But Skyrim CK released 2 months after Skyrim released ..FO4 CK will be a good 6 months But it has been a good 6 months...and has given modders time to plan some good ideas for mods.
  8. Unrelated to the Mechanist...but I explored the Constitution for the first time...and I really think it is fun with all the robots running it. But I am only level 3, so when taking out the settlers, I got my @$$ kicked by the boss. Tomorrow, I will have to try it again!
  9. I feel you man ... Must have put in around 2000 hours into Bethesda games. Not even counting the hours modding them or coming here to pick up some new mod-sauce. Combined with the hours I will play FO4 it will probably equal a full year of my life in a year or two. Never been unemployed so that's all at times when other people go out and do other fun stuff. But I also know that I don't have any regrets. The creative aspect combined with the open worlds and open game structure make them the ultimate virtual pastime. And to me they are a source of inspiration and motivation too. I know...I have put over 4500 hours into Skyrim itself. But the worst part is...I never even finished the main quest. Not even close. "Hi...my name is Yzerman...I am a mod junkie..."
  10. After I obtained a brain injury at the age of 12 (hit by car), my amount of "friends" has gone down so much over the years, I no longer care! Just give me more Elder Scrolls and more Fallout...
  11. When you realize you have not had a social life since before Morrowind came out...in 2002...
  12. All I want to say is that Automatron brought me just a feeling of, "Wicked!"
  13. I cured my problem finally! How? By uninstalling the game completely, and reinstalling it.
  14. Did you already try verifying the game cache? Exactly what do you mean by that?
  15. Yup, have no mods on, started a new game, got to the lift, computer speech about vault tech was heard, got on, but nothing happened. HELP...someone...ANYONE!
  16. There is something bigger than the DLC that is at play here if your Vault 111 doesn't want to let you out. Why don;'t you unload the DLC and try again? Okay, will do so again, but I still expect the same result. I will be back with the result in a few minutes...
  17. I mean the very start of the game, in vault 111.
  18. I started a new game with Automatron in my load list. After I get to the lift in the vault, the gate opens, the voice does its talking, and the meassages come up okay. But after I say to continue with the game, the lift refuses to budge. I am trapped...WTF? EDIT...also, the gate refuses to come back down.
  19. The latest bug I found has to do with the Automatron DLC. After I put it on my game and started a new game, when I try to leave the opening vault, the lift comes down as usual, and you hear the voice say its spiel, but then the lift does not budge after you choose to continue your game. Anyone else have that problem? EDIT...I tried it again, this time with only the main file and Automatron DLC. Same result. As I scratch my head and wonder, the same three letter abbreviation keeps running through my head...WTF???? EDIT 2...I tried it again, this time with only the main file checked off. Same result. As I scratch my head and wonder, the same three letter abbreviation keeps running through my head...WTF???? I have the latest NMM, 0.61.15 running. I will now try it with NMM 0.61.14 and will report back with the results. EDIT 3...I could not get it back to NMM 0.61.14, so I added on NMM 0.61.6. Same result. As I scratch my head and wonder...so now I am going to uninstall the game, and try reinstalling it and go from there. EDIT 4...After reinstalling, same thing happened again. I AM TOTALLY INCENSED...WTF???
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