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  1. At the moment looking for unarmored clothing for a male, which is pretty tiresome since 95% of all appearance mods are skimpy female clothing. Does anyone have any ideas? Please, no Psyjic retextures, the pillowcases they call sleeves irk me. Heres what i've found so far (and my thoughts) TERA Armor collection (clips far more visibly with tails than vanilla armors) Ambrosia Fashions (Pretty nice, but nothing particularly mage-y) The Well Dressed Mage (Not setup for beast races) Common Clothes (Edit: Not entirely sure if this is the right subforum for this)
  2. Normally, Repairing the White Phial requires progress in the main quest Throat of the World. Can someone put together a mod removing this requirement and adding another unmelting snow gather spot near High Hrothgar or near the 7,000 steps path?
  3. Bureaucracy at its finest. The Imperial Council and their regional subordinates misjudged each others priorities. What is the result? A national incident.
  4. Does anyone know any objects for teleporting to the major cities that are safe to take and reuse with the Jaxonz Positioner? I'm going to be using a house that dosn't have said stuff built in next playthrough, but i'm looking for a object i can install with the positioner to open up that function again.
  5. My theory is that the eye is the power source Magnus used when creating Mundus. The staff, of course, being a siphon that controlled its energy output.
  6. Since shadowmere has been twisted beyond recognition by whatever powers allow it to be ageless and indestructable, its a pretty safe assumption that (s)he cannot reproduce. Regardless of whatever configuration (s)he has reproduction wise. So, this leaves xis gender more up to personal preference. After all, is it really that endearing to refer to such a loyal creature with gender null pronouns?
  7. Yes, but hes pretty much the only person in Elder Scrolls that could have survived assassination in a alternate body. He could have even set up a contingency to soul trap himself and put that in a fabricant. Or Alaxemia could have killed a discarded shell. (I doubt she would have known the difference at that point) Perhaps its just me overthinking it, but the idea that Sotha Sil survived is easily plausible to me.
  8. Well... frack. That pretty much does away with what little i know about him then. And sinks a lot of the basis for my theory.
  9. After running through the Wheels of Lull (which is known for, amongst other things, its consistency with the vanilla lore), a few pieces of the demented puzzle that is the mysteries of mundus slipped together and i have a idea that the Dragonborn and Nerevarine are one and the same. Keep in mind that while 80% of the stuff can also be found in more official sources through the main game, a few links pivotal to the theory are spoken only by the mod's Chekhov's Gunman, who is strongly implied to be a fabricant incarnation of Sotha Sil * Whoever-he-is directly calls the Dragonborn a shezarrine at one point * As a elder scrolls series playable character, its implied that the Nevevarine is a shezarrine. (This would, of course, make Nerevar a shezarrine by extension) * Whoever-he-is mentions that his motivation for helping the Dragonborn (aside from saving the world and the like) was that he owed a debt to an old friend. The only two obvious candidates for this are Diviath Fyr and Nerevar himself * Whoever-he-is mentions that both he and the Dragonborn knows what its like to walk in the shoes of a god. This is one of the main supports for the idea that this fabricant truly is Sotha Sil * "Sotha Sil" makes an additional claim that supports the idea that he is Sotha Sil without confirming it. It would be too spoilerish to put down here. * One of the Nevevarine prophecies directly says that the Nerevarine will be dragonborn. Edit: Trainwiz has confirmed that he is not Sotha Sil. Alas, as there are no cannon appearances of the Moon and Star in Skyrim, this theory will never be confirmed or disproven. Think what you will of this.
  10. First and foremost, you're not going to be winning any friends with T word references. Two mods that i use that pretty much forfill some of this are Ordinator and Morrowloot 4e Ordinator allows you to turn a single forge into a blood forge, allowing items smithed there to give the PC a permanent boost to stats. Don't give me that look, the Dovahkin's blood is sacred to Akatosh. Just put a little blood on the skyforge and it becomes the only forge worth using in the game afterwords. Morrowloot 4e makes it so that you can only forge ebony equipment at the skyforge. Combined with ebony being removed from the leveled lists and daedric being limited to a single set spread across Skyrim, you're pretty much going to be turning to the Skyforge for your final (heavy) equipment setup.
  11. Welcome to Skyrim, Bethesda at its finest. The Civil war storyline is so well written and so poorly executed, you would need to be mad to actual want to complete it. Unless you want an achievement.
  12. Neloth said something about it not being in Hermaeous Mora's nature to share knowlage without a drawback of some kind. Personally, i like to think the "friend" is Llavidos from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58672/?
  13. Bhruce Hammar's "well, i don't really care that much about anyone in Skyrim" pretty well highlights one of the big shortcomings in Skyrim's storytelling. Then, Fallout 4 overdid it and pigeonholed us into a shallow role that became old and boring within a month. I think i prefer the evils of skyrim, at least for Elder Scrolls we can put in mods that add actual depth without having to have the static vault survivor story hanging over our heads. Meh. Rambling, kinda/sorta off topic. Give or take. Also, Enderal wins. Enderal always wins.
  14. Vigilant Tyranus. He grabs your attention every time you go through Markarth. As someone who won't sacrifice anyone to Molag Bal on principle (ESO has pretty well shown how much worse then death that is), he is probably the most irritating guy east of Nazeem.
  15. I'm going to be doing an artificer style playthrough, using a character focused primarily on dwemer/magitech stuff. (Dwemer researcher eventually turned clockwork god asperent) The relevant mods i'm currently using are Ordinator(autocannon, hotwire, amongst other things), Wheels of Lull, Dwemertech, Fyr Manor, ClearSky Hideout (for Atkei's Key), Moon and Star, Immersive Armors Anyone know any good dwemer/magitech themed mods i'm missing? Mods i'm ignoring purposefully are Bhruce Hammer (for his blatant 4th wall breaking) and Lost Wonders of Mzark (Lore conflict with Fyr Manor)
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