[X]Sign The Modding Community is the main reason i love the Elder Scrolls so much. 3 Years later and Skyrim gets more and more Awesome with every day. Thanks a lot. Ps. Waiting for Enderal so Hard xD I love Oblivion with its Mods and the absolutly pit was Nehrim by SureAI. Sorry for bad english. "Waiting hard"? Is this usabel? I am using "i" and "love" way too much xD
Use UNP-Body ... There are all kinds of UNP-Body Types with different Skeleton Features but the main Reason for Using UNP are the Armor Mods. Most Armor Mods comes with CBBE and UNP-Support. Others (Mostly Crapy ones) with Only CBBE Support and alot of Armors (and Armor Packs) are specially for UNP-Users. At least: Tittys!
Hi, I was only judging the Quality of the Snake-Graphic. Thod this is meant to be the "cool new Nexus Feature" but when you say it is just a Modders-Joke it fine for me, no Problem with that =) Thanks for Helping.
I dont get it.
I am so exited about the raising Mod Quality on Nexus and then you come with "Snakey".
I wont say too much. Maybe Snakey is the Draw of anyones Child in the Team but.
Snakey isnt that much Quality ...
Is this a Stuff-Idea or modders work?
Hope this s#*! dissapears very soon from the Nexus.
Ps. I come every Day (Every Day ...) to see whats new on the Nexus. This is my first Forum Post and i need to complain about a realy crappy idea.
Im not Happy with this.
Sorry for bad englisch.