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About cubedj21

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    Czech Republic
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    My favourite game? that's really good song by The Cardigans right?...

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  1. well, no - it's not simple as that - it depends on more variables then just the faction and factionrank, adding the child to the BYOHRelationshipAdoptableFaction and setting the factionrank >= 0 could induce the adoption dialogue (mood swing :D), but if the other conditions are not met it won't have any consequences and the child won't be transfered to the orphanage.. if you're interested here in this post are all the variables explained ;)
  2. There's quite a lot of bugs with the housebuilding stuff in combination with some other mods but even without them.. sometimes if you are using the carpenter workbench and the scripting engine is busy then the system which should recognize in what place you are actually building can fail so I once ended up with two houses built inside each other in one place - so consider your situation only a slight hickup :D If you still have the old save file you can send it to me and I could go through it and tell you at least if the house and all the stuff in the save game still exists or if it is really gone completely, It may be even possible to tranfer the stuff into your inventory and reset the housebuilding quests but that depends on quite a lot of variables ;)
  3. open the console and type: "GetLinkedRef LinkCustom01" > if it returns 1A6AD then continue with the next command, if none or 0 then it's a bug or some other mod influence "prid 1A6AD" and then: "getdead" > if it returns 1 then Lemkil is dead and you can't fix this by only using console commands, if you never resurrected Lemkil by console command then it's a bug or some other mod is causing this.. there's a way to add a new responsible NPC for Britte (aka parent) by using TESedit (or remove her from the formlist of adoptable children completely), but you'll need to use the custom "un-orphan mod" as I wrote on page 2 in this thread to get her out from the "move to the orphanage loop" anyway... there's no easy way to fix this just by using console commands..
  4. There's no easy way to fix that, but you still should be able to go inside using console command "coc BYOHHouse1Falkreath" to get your stuff at least ;)
  5. It's worth mentioning that in time when savegame script scalpel & savetool weren't available - waiting for one month inside a small cell (like Honeyside) can be helpful (ocasionally)... once I was able to go from 89mb to only 15mb using this method ;)
  6. it should be: SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding EmptyRefAlias House3Steward SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHousePale bHaveSteward_var False and it works that way ;)
  7. that must be definitely caused by some mod or by you using console commands... try to press console (tilde key) and click on each one of them to find out which is the original one (refID 0001A66B) and you can tell by the refID (xx###### - xx is the load order of parent mod) from which mod the others originate from (if that is the case)... you can delete the others by using "markfordelete" command but it could brake the functionality of those mods that spawned them...
  8. console: player.drop <base ID> <amount> (use "player.showinventory" to get the correct base ID of the quest item)
  9. Thanks a lot! I'll definitely look into that. Do you know if it keeps separate quest lines for all characters or if they share it between them all? I basically want to make myself a Thief to do all the "Evil" quest lines while keeping my main character more of a good guy. I think what quests one character has done do not interfere with the other players. Using this mod let's you make an NPC using your own, other characters. That means they have the same perks, levels, items, spells, shouts etc. as the character that was saved, but otherwise they are an NPC. And since NPC's don't generally intervene in any given quest unless they were specifically scripted to do so... So yeah, you can do whatever with your one character and it won't intervene with the other. ...I suppose technically that would possibly allow you to have, say, multiples of the same named daedric artifact, and other similar situations, but I can't say, since I don't use this mod myself. it's just a one way functionality... you can load your older characters as NPC's into your current gameplay, but not to play for them, that's all... there's no way to do what you are up to.. (let's say there is but only with really advanced skills - by using Savegame script scalpel - Disassembler, two savegames and you have to go through all the data manually..) best way to do what you intend to do is to make a save before you start doing "the evil" quest lines, finish it and then go back to that savegame - sounds maybe silly, but if you'll think about it, the only thing that would be different between this way and the "using mod that doesn't exist" way is, that by using the old save, you will lose all the character progress, but since it was gained by doing "evil" anyway, then losing it makes even sense if you want to keep your character good guy-ish...
  10. aren't you lucky? :D ... AddItemMenu mod was uploaded maybe 10 days ago... so now you can do exactly what you've asked through a in-game menu :wink:)
  11. here ;) No more glow with armor spells
  12. I'm aware that the script won't work like this... well, it can be compiled without any errors and you can always call these functions from some other quest/script/event.... what I meant is that the player is controlled by your input and not by the game like any other NPC... but the documentation says it is "forcing" any actor to "look at" something... so it should work even for the player actor...
  13. actually I've seen whole thread somewhere - dedicated to those "most famous" glitches (in general any effect that end up unintentionally stuck with the player) and they were adding everything in one bat file that will fix it :wink:) found it...
  14. one more thing - I'm not sure about compatibility in case of the player reference since it is not the same thing like any other NPC...
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