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Posts posted by SlimShadyIzMe

  1. Most of the Nexus is focussed around the PC. I've never owned an Xbox, only a PS3 and PC.


    Install the game to you're HDD, so it reads faster and accesses files more, sometimes this helps, sometimes it doesn't.


    If that doesn't do the trick, try posting on Bethesoft's forums or Xbox's forums. They'll be able to help you out. :P

    Ok thanks.(:

  2. Hello, I have a seriously annoying glitch thats keeping me from continuing the main quest. I got to Germund's Hall and I can't turn the pillars, meaining I can't finish the part of the quest and continue with the storyline. I'm on an Xbox360, any help would be appreciated.
  3. We've all had moments that just make you squeal like a little girl who's toe just got caught in a mousetrap. Finally reach smithing level 100 and made your first suit of Dragon Armor? Found a shiz load of goal? Find something you've been looking for for ages? My best moment in Skyrim was either when I found Lydia or when I rode my horse off a very large cliff and it made a sound like a deflating balloon, what's your happiest Skyrim moments?
  4. We've all had those moments in Skyrim that just leave you thinking "What the HELL just happened?" My biggest moment was when i figured out just how powerful the Greybeards are, and also a giant riding off into the sunset on my horse. What's your moments?
  5. Well, there's technically no ending, but I think you mean to main quests, which I agree.


    Modders will fix the glitches and bugs, so that's out.


    Mine would have to be a working dynamic economy, where the merchant's gold doesn't reset over the next 2 days. (Probably will be modded, it was in Oblivion). Also, more NPC's. It's a huge world with no crowded cities or towns, unless it's during a quest. That probably has to do with console performance, but still.

    Arent many mods for '360 :(

  6. That's more like, "Biggest Skyrim Public Humiliation".


    Hey, everyone, I got robbed after putting all my valuables in one place! Just wanted to share... ???

    HAI, They said it was MY place so i figured it wouldnt get taken since it wouldnt if it was in a house you owned.

  7. All of us have had that horrible moment in Skyrim thay makes you want to go on an all caps rage. My two biggest moments that made me throw down Skyrim for awhile were the worst, where i had stored about a dozen dragon bones and scales, armor, a heck load of gems and staffs. I'd stored soooo much there. I came in my dorm to put in some more garnets and they were gone, nothing left. I died mentally. My second time is when i had JUST FINISHED THE MAIN STORYLINE, i had a tad, like a little bit of health left, and a troll wolf bolted out from behind and killed me. DANG YOU TO OBLIVION TROLL WOLF! Last load was 2 hours behind. I now save every 5 minutes. Whats your worst moments?
  8. I took out a giant and after it was dead, it's club slowly started to float higher and higher. I knocked it down with an arrow before it got too high.




    LoL what were you afraid it would do if it got too high?

  9. In Skyrim, i've had my share of glitches. From Aela the Huntress ontop of the Jarl's castle in Whiterun spazzing out to Giants randomly appearing infront of me to dragons flying backwards. What's the worst glitches you have ever seen?


    P.S, I'm currently experiencing a quest-breaking glitch that prevents me from turning pillars in Germund's hall on the first puzzle, im on xbox360 so if anyone knew anything that could help please say.

  10. Well, what would all you do to make skyrim better? Would you make skills easier to learn? Would you make a better ending? Etc. My two biggest changes would definitely be less glitches that ruin important quests and a better ending. What about you?
  11. I've noticed very little about Skyrim for Xbox360, so I thought i'd start up a section for it. What do you guys think about the difference in gameplay between PC, 360, or PS3? Me, quite obviously is a Xbox360 guy. Not PC because ours couldnt take much, as it's not a very good comp. not PS3 because in my opinion Playstation's graphics and interface suck. I've also not seen many mods for the 360 like things that change how you play, like easier leveling for certain skills. This summer i'm taking several console programming courses so i'll hopefully put out some useful mods. Thanks for reading all that! :)
  12. I just got Skyrim, literally and have been playing it about 2 days. I got to Germund's Hall, and im literally stuck at the first puzzle, i cant turn the pillars! After looking at the puzzle guide, i went to activate the first pillar but it didnt do anythig. Thinking i just had to do another one first i went around trying to activate them but none worked. Someone please help, as i cannot continue with the main storyline because of this glitch. Is there any way around it or am i doing it wrong?
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