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Everything posted by Lycanthrokeith

  1. Hello. I have a few questions, please. When I last played Skyrim, it was on a laptop with only one hard drive. That laptop has since gone kaput. I now have a Windows 10 desktop with two SSDs. Steam is installed on the C drive, while my Steam games are on the F drive. I saved all the data of mods and saves, and screenshots of their original locations. But now I'm confused as to where to paste them to. For that matter, with the above configuration, should NMM be in the drive with Steam, or the drive with Skyrim? Finally, should I stay with NMM, or use Vortex instead? Will Vortex work with this new configuration? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Now here's a thought, what if that happens after 24 hours? So for 24 hours you have items marked as stolen but afterwards the flag is dropped? Seems a bit op and a cheat if it was done poorly. Well, seeing as Skyrim's a single-player game, it's up to the discretion of the player. Don't like it, don't do it.
  3. Thought of another similar possibility: A specialized chest that removes the Stolen tag from any item placed into it. A Fence Chest, essentially.
  4. Hello. I recently five-fingered a bunch of things from someone (including a large number of alchemical components). When I tried to sell them to my Fence, however, I found myself literally selling off over 100 legitimately-picked plants to get to the one stolen one. SkyUI showed the hand icon to indicate one was stolen, but I had no idea which one of the numerous ones in my inventory was the stolen one. For immersion's sake, I'm trying not to go the Console Command route. What I'd like to humbly request is a mod that does one of the following: A) When selling something to a Merchant who is also a Fence (meaning you've invested in them and have the Fence Perk), they buy the Stolen items first, then the regular ones. Or, B) Something compatible with SkyUI that lists Stolen items separately from non-Stolen items, so you'd know exactly what to sell and not to sell. For example, a stolen Cabbage wouldn't be mixed in with the other 13 Cabbages. The Stolen Cabbage would maybe appear below the non-Stolen ones, in red or (in SkyUI) with the hand icon: Cabbage (13) Cabbage (2) Thanks in advance for the consideration.
  5. Hi all! So I have Better Vampires, and I've finished the Dawnguard vampire Main Quest. During that quest, I was able to make a servant out of the Moth Priest, who is still with us to this day. I'd love to have a mod (compatible with BV, naturally) that would let me use Vampire's Seduction along with a feeding to make an unnamed NPC into a loyal cattle. If they are treated as a Follower, that would work even better, since I'm also using My Home Is Your Home (this way, I could send them to Elysium Estate). Yes, I'm mod-happy, but who here isn't? Thanks for reading.
  6. Some amusing stuff there, to be sure. Can't believe I forgot about the Giant's Clubs and things like the forks and meathooks. Come to think of it, it'd be cool to fire live chicken arrows, a la Hot Shots Part Deux.
  7. Hello all. So, the fact that Pickaxes and the Woodcutter's Axe had damage values (and the fact that I'm a big horror movie fan) made me think about what else could be potentially weaponized. Here's what I think would be fun: --Shovels. Have a crossover with Shovel Knight! (Shovel Dovahkiin?) --Pitchforks. There has to be at least one horror movie I'm unaware of that's done this. --Saws. "Hello, Belethor. I want to play a game." --Embalming Tools. Anybody remember Dr. Giggles? --Lutes. El Kabong! --Drums and Flutes. Musical equivalents of Maces and Daggers, perhaps? Remember, Music is the Weapon. Aerosmith taught us that. --Dwemer objects. Fling Cogs like shuriken, shoot levers from a crossbow, or just grab a Large Decorative Strut and beat some history into your enemies! --The Claw Keys. Seriously, how could those things not cause some major damage if someone gets raked with them? --Telekinetic fling. Say it with salvos of ore and Cast Iron Pots. Just a few random ideas for gits and shiggles. Thanks for reading.
  8. newzilla7: You are an awesome human being, of whom amazing power ballads will be written about one day. Thank you very much! Funny line about the Athlete's Foot, too. "A Giant! What can we do?" (John Madden voice) "Don't worry! I've coated my Iron Arrows in tough-actin' Tinactin!"
  9. Looks interesting, thanks. One question, though: Does this affect just the final chest in a dungeon, or will it affect all chests everywhere? I'm honestly hoping for a mod that balances loot across the board, not just at the end.
  10. Hello everyone. I ran into an unexpected problem recently. I tried to get the major hold cities opened up for easier travel by using the carriages. I had two Followers with me (Serana and Lydia, in case it matters). The carriage driver took my gold and told me to get in the back. I did, but he refused to go anywhere. In fact, he kept telling me to hurry up. Apparently, the company I was keeping kept me from taking Tamriel Mass Transit. I know I could dismiss the Followers, make the rounds, and go get them back. But seriously, there's enough room in that freakin' carriage for everyone. Basically, a mod to allow carriage travel with Followers tagging along (either sitting in the carriage or not) would be a nice time-saver. Thanks for reading.
  11. Hello everyone. So the other day, I broke who-knows-how-many lockpicks to get an Expert level locked chest open. Inside: 6 Gold. One tent over was an unlocked chest. Inside: 18 Gold and a Soul Gem. Literally 3x the reward. Basically, I'd love a mod that scales the treasure inside of a locked container to the difficulty of the lock (or the difficulty of the trap trigger). An unlocked chest would have the lowest yield, a Master the highest, and all points in between. In a similar vein, if the chest is unlocked but hidden or behind a trap, the treasure would be better than the standard yield. Obviously, things like Quest-based chests or ones after Bosses might not be affected. It'd just be nice to have the treasure expectations managed ahead of time. Thanks for reading.
  12. Hello to everyone. I've never been a fan of the Giant's Toe. Personally, I get disgusted by feet and toes, and I hate seeing it. It's just a personal quirk. I figure if it's renamed as Giant's Finger, I can live with that more easily. No visual change need happen; it's a psychosomatic thing. Also, a mod to change the number of "Fingers" gained would be nice, given how much of a pain Giants can be without the right armaments. Basically, you would get 10 instead of 1 (or if you want to be a stickler, exclude the thumbs and say 8). Thanks for reading!
  13. Hello all! I love Light Foot. I don't love having my Followers blunder into the traps behind me and set them off anyway, usually injuring both myself and them in the process. Basically, I'd like to request a mod that gives Followers the Light Foot Perk if the PC has it. Thanks!
  14. I really like this idea. I imagine the shield in question would be a low defensive value, though, to keep the crossbow from being too heavy to aim and fire. Maybe sneaking with this would provide more stability for firing, like a shield line providing a wall for the archers behind them?
  15. Hello. I am using both mods from both the Nexus and Steam, and the Nexus Mod Manager for the Nexus mods. I currently have a functional female vampire, but the appearance mods I want to use are not working. I am attempting to use the following mods: Better Vampires by Brehanin 6-1: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717 Vampire Eyes Fix: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3374 Snow White Vampires: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11894 RV Vampire Eyes: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1909 Female Vampires Have Fangs: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22522 All these show up in NMM under the Mods tab, but only Better Vampires and Vampire Eyes Fix appear in the Plugins tab. The description under Better Vampires mentioned the importance of load order, and suggested the texture replacers should come before Better Vampires. I have moved Vampire Eyes Fix ahead in the Plugins tab. Unfortunately, I cannot change the load order under the Mods tab. Currently, they are in alphabetical order, and all "Unassigned" for Category. I know some mods don't have plugins that go with them. I have also tried to modify load order through plugins.txt, but the ones I need don't appear either. I have also run BOSS, but to no avail (none I could determine, at least). Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. Addendum: Restarted NMM. I also ran the game through Steam; the BV mod had suggested having SKSE, and SKSE suggested launching it through that. I used the internal menus on BV to cure and re-infect myself. Female Vampires Have Fangs now works, but the eye mods and Snow White vampires don't. I have vampires with ashen faces and regular skin bodies.
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