Minimal Modding experience and wanting to learn - have over 25 years gaming experience tho ;) and 250 hours of Skyrim play under me belt hehe. Used to do modding back in the quake and unreal days (hammerforge etc), wanting to learn, and improve my knowledge... Stravides sounds good to me.we will be teaching you basic stuff on the ck, that will make you have a more basic understanding, please send an AIM if you don't have one get one, and send me a message, we do not want to discuss concurrent projects in the forums for everyone to see. I rather keep it private for our best purpose =) Have managed to create a smithy geezer and 3/4 of a quest - struggling to get the quest to hand in now - but gimme time ;) heheh I also have my own TS3 server which I tend to use for whatever takes my fancy :)