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Everything posted by draganot1

  1. Bump. Please, I really need help with this. Doesn't even have to be correct, if there is even a chance it could help me please say it...
  2. I'm currently trying to update my mod with its first major update, unfortunately, i am having a huge issue with weapon modifications. Currently, some weapons are not having the new mod category showing up in the weapon workbench despite duplicate weapons with the ONLY difference being the mod initially spawned on the weapon have the new mod category in the weapon workbench. I simply cant figure it out, as an example: 2 keyword identifiers are used to add the new category to weapons during weapon workbench upgrading. Ma_WeaponCondition and Ap_WeaponCondition, the first associates a weapon with specific mods in the "Keywords" section, meanwhile the second is used to add an attach point to weapons and is used under the "attach parent slots" section. All the weapon mods have been made to associate themselves with Ma_WeaponCondition and attach to Ap_WeaponCondition, the part i cant figure out is some weapons are refusing to work properly without a clear reason. Take the Hunting rifle as an example, the base hunting rifle has been edited to have both mentioned keywords in the correct spots yet, it will not show up in the weapon workbench like it should, however, a duplicate with the exact same edits and values (except for and only for the weapon modification that spawns on it from the start) works as intended in the weapon workbench. The new category shows up just fine and i can upgrade the weapon to a new mod without issue. I simply don't understand why this is even an issue. They quite literally only have one difference and that cant be it since most of the base weapons modified work fine (10mm pistol and assault rifle for example). I really need some help with this. I've been stuck on it for weeks now... Any help at all is appreciated. Pictures: edit: added pictures
  3. A mod that adds 63 gun variants to the game. Each one has different accuracy stats, damage, etc. The plan was to make 63 of them, one for each gun, but since the aim bonus works and doesn't appear to cause any issues i simply dropped the model amount to 21 and used the aim bonus for the the 42 others. Anyway, i was able to finish the mod and its on the nexus now. Thanks for the help.
  4. Ok, i was able to find the Aim model records and after looking at them i found ill need to make 63 new Aim model records to complete my mod. So increasing the max cone angle will decrease the accuracy stat label in game right? Because i have all my desired values for all 63 records already and im not sure what the best way is to convert these values to the smaller cone angle scale. So as an example the Hunting Rifle has a base accuracy of 71, if i increase the cone angle enough the in-game label should turn to my desired target of 60 right? Is there a way to convert these rather large numbers into cone angle measurements? (I have an entire spreadsheet in excel with all the info... i dont mind manually calculating if i have too)
  5. Ive been working on my first mod for the past 2 weeks now and ive managed to figure out quite a bit but still cant figure out how to lower a weapon's accuracy. Editing a weapon shows a "Accuracy bonus" under the "game data" tab but unfortunately i cannot lower it below 0 (defaults to 0 on everything but shotguns, shotguns for some reason default to 100 so i cant raise the accuracy, and plasma guns to around 70 which doesn't let me raise it enough.) So is there a way to lower the accuracy on guns other than shotguns and plasma guns and raise it on the aforementioned? I cannot figure it out and cant find the answer anywhere :/
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