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Everything posted by Haruochan1

  1. Ok, so, at a certain point I created a quest item and went in-game to test it. Nothing different about it, I had the container in-game and used quest alias to create the item inside the container. But the item wasn't there. I was baffled trying all sorts of different things and nothing worked. Then it occurred to me to try an earlier save file which was created prior to loading the mod for the first time. It didn't work. Now the weird stuff starts... I went to another location to check another item I had previously created (and worked just fine) and the item wasn't there. I loaded a save file from inside vault 111, before going to the surface or loading any mods at all. I went up and then to items locations. They weren't there (the containers were). I loaded the save file that I was using at the beginning of this mess and the new item still wasn't there but the old ones were in their places all neat and dandy... I have no clue... What could possibly be causing this....? Pleeeeease help. Thanks in advance......
  2. Thanks montky. You at least gave me a few ideas of where to poke around. If I come up with anything I'll let you know. ^^b
  3. If I leave them empty they show up anyway. How do I get empty dialogue options to not show up at all? For example what if I want positive and negative to show and neutral and question to be omitted? Thanks for any assistance.
  4. What could I possibly have done to cause that? There's not even a whole lot of stuff in the mod yet. A conversation with an NPC and a couple of placed items. Can't think of anything there that could cause that... Please help.
  5. Anybody who has used it before and are wlling to help? I'm trying to execute this command from a fragment. I have set all the associated properties and it compiled. But the actor won't move. Other commands from the same fragment work fine, so the problem is with this command only. Are there any restrictions to this command that I should be aware of? Or do I need to set something in the actor in order for it to work? Like, do I have to tell him to go to the target before telling him to perform the idle animation?
  6. Ok so I can activate() a workbench. Can I prevent the animation of the player using it or make it so that an npc does the animation instead?
  7. Is there a way to call menus through script? Specifically the crafting menus, without the player using a workbench? I found the workbenches and a couple of scripts associated with them but none seem to tell me how to open the craft menu?
  8. Ok, but how do I access these from the script? ActionReload for instance.
  9. I found the Actor Action list on the Object Window, under Actors. What exactly are these? Also, I found references to OnActorAction() and RegisterforActorAction() in Skyrim scripting. Is there an equivalent to these on FO4?
  10. I ran the sqs console command and it says my quest is running. I'd like to solve this as it may affect future scripting attempts. All help welcome. ***** game.getPlayer() works inside of onInit()
  11. Hi. First, the wiki says that in order to use OnAnimationEvent(), RegisterforAnimationEvent() is needed. But I have this script: Scriptname SampleScript extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) if (akSource == PlayerRef) && (asEventName == "weaponfire") Debug.notification("FIRE") endIf debug.notification(asEventName) endEvent and it works. Is the wiki wrong? Am I understanding it wrong? Second, it only seems to register for the weaponFire animation. I cannot for the life of me get it to trigger on any other animation. Any idea why? Thanks.
  12. It compiled and auto-filled. But nothing happened in-game. What's the easiest way to check if the quest is loading at all? +++++++ Used OnInit() instead of OnQuestInit() and it worked!! Yay Any idea why? And any idea on why game.getplayer() wasn't working?
  13. I placed your code instead of the onquestini() event and got this on compile: C:\Users\faint\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SampleScript.psc(3,18): no viable alternative at input 'Game' C:\Users\faint\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SampleScript.psc(3,22): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.' C:\Users\faint\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SampleScript.psc(3,6): Unknown user flag gameAlso, if I want a script to be always running, is attaching it to a quest the best way to do it?
  14. So, I added bInvalidateOlderFiles=1to Fallout4.ini and the book script is running. So I guess that solves it. I can't get the quest script to run yet but I reckon that is a problem with loading the quest rather than the script itself. So I'll work on that now. Thanks.
  15. Hi there. Total beginner to modding and scripting, here. As a first step I just wanted to make the "Hello World" tutorial and see how it goes... it didn't go anywhere... I've created a new quest, set it to 'start game enabled' and 'run once' and added the script:â scriptname samplescript extends quest event onquestinit() debug.messagebox("Hello World") endevent As I understand it, a confirmation box with and "OK" button should pop up when I loaded the game, but it didn't. I added an object to see if the mod was loading properly, and the object appeared in-game. I added a quest stage with the papyrus fragment "setobjectivedisplayed(10)" (10 being the index of the stage) and nothing happened. I added a book with the script: scriptname overhaul_scriptbook extends objectreference const â event onread() debug.messagebox("This player's life is now enriched!") endeventThe book is there (on the floor outside of Vault 111's exit, next to the ramp of the blue room thing with the button to the Vault's entrance) and I can read it. But the message box does not appear. I am probably missing something really really stupid here. Something so basic you wouldn't even consider I would be doing wrong. But I might. Please if anybody can shed some light here that would be greatly appreciated. I can't move forward with learning scripting if I can't even get the scripts running in the game. Thanks in advance.
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