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About seancass42

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. was finbally able to get to find him ( i get a message saying i am able to visit him) but one of his quests seem a bit vague something about Cerberus building it's fleet and the normandy SR2 somewhere in the traverse. now i traveled to every place in the Attican Traverse and couldn't find anything
  2. I have this mod installed and was wondering if there is a way that i can find where stuff is in the places that were added with this mod ( i know the places from ME1 and ME2 were added) so I am not aimlessly going to places that I don't have to go
  3. I am interested to know if can use both the ThaneMOD and the Ashely WarPack together. The reason why i ask is that both downloads ahve both the binkw23.dll and binkw32.dll files in ther Binaries folder The version of ThaneMOD is 2.0B because thane isn't a love interest and putting those will overwrite the file I used for the WarPack.
  4. noticed on a lot of images that comes with the mods that a lot of the females are.....well endowed (so to speak) and I was wondering if anyone can recommend a mod to make a female character look like tjat. I have currently have the CBBE mod and was wondering if that is all I need or do I need something else
  5. deactivated the Unofficial Skyrim, Dragonborn, Dawnguard, and Hearthfire Patches because they were in conflict with the Unofficial Legendary Edition Patch. But I am still getting the message that there are 2 Identical To Master record for the Space Wikings The elementals and I have done everything to clean them. Am starting to think that it would be better if I just deleted/deactivated it. Another question would it crash my game if I left it? LOOT says that there are no errors and 1 warning (the Space Wikings The Elementals plugin)
  6. okay....update on the situation....ran TESVEdit and cleaned.....reran LOOT and one of the plugins is still giving me a clean with TESV Edit. ( the name of the file is Sace Wikings The Elementals.esp and it has 2 Identical To Master records) , the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch is still giving me that it is imcompatible with the other Unofficial Skyrim, Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard Patches (all esp files) so i am assuming that one or the other has to be deleted or deactivated. and there are a few others that just need a compatibility patch
  7. Sorry for the newbie question and being i am new to modding and the first thread was a bit confusing i figured i would ask a simple help question here....i get a crash to desktop with no error message and with I run LOOT some of the mods are saying "Contains # of ITM records, # of deleted references and # of deleted navmeshes. Use TESVEdit to clean". And alos the Unofficla Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch is showing this This Plugin is Incompatible with "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp, Dragonborn.esp, Skyrim, esp, anmd Hearthfire, esp. But both are present My question is how do I resolve this?
  8. tried it but it still didnt work. dunno if it was because i didn't have one of the required mods ( the skeleton one, but i couldn't dowload it as there was was some message saying that it was " adult-only" content) so i just ended up uninstalling the mod though it would have been cool to use two swords
  9. I have the Dual Sheath Redux modinstalled and activated on NMM and in the game i am getting this message " Patch Data not destected. Please run SkyProc patcher and activate the esp
  10. i think i got it fixed by using the safety load mod. someone on the steam community forums said they used it and it worked for them
  11. game gets stuck at loading screen. I can hear the audio and I get video moving because I get different messagesâ, there is smoke effects and the weapons revolve but the game doesn't load. can post a picture if needed
  12. looking for this particular mod but the only ones i see are translations....is there an english version of this mod available?
  13. I just downloaded and installed the Castle Dracula Mod and when i click on it two files are missing (ApachiiHair.esm and ApachiiHairMales.esm) and i can't find the mods on the main nexus page....can someone point me to where they are?
  14. yes..i run the game from skse. other then that there is nothing special I have to activate in SkyUI?
  15. downloaded and activated the Immersive Armors Mods on NMM and was wondering how to make it work in game. I have SkyUI installed and Skyrim SKSE (know the SkyRim SKSE is required but have no clue if SkyUI is needed for the game to run properly with the mods)
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