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About cybill

  1. i second gophers videos...then just think of what stuff you like ans search the files on the nexus. it is probably there.
  2. i have had a really nice set up for a while but had to do some jigglin about. i had realistic lighting overhall and climates of tamriel both installed and workin beautiful. i had issues with CTD's but eventually worked it out with load order and the like. however i have just run BOSS and it has changed that. what i really loved was very dark nights and very dark dungeons so torches were essential but now they simply are not. there is a thing in the climates installation (i am usin NMM) which gives a choice of levels. at level 6 outside is bright and at level 7 it is just too dark. the dungeons are all well lit (comparitivly). i have looked at the realistic lighting load order and it just hasn't helped. i am at a loose end now. i don't understand how i just can't get it back to how i had it. i don't want to lose COT(unless you can recomend an alternative?) so if anyone could suggest an alternative to the RLO. that would give me those georgeous dark nights and interiors i would be so happy. ETA - just installed this istead...seems perfect so far http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1875
  3. lookin at the top images on the skyrim nexus and there is quite a focus on images of sexy women wearin little. i don't have time to do more research but here are my instant thoughts on this a - skyrim is a fantasy game, people enjoy this side of fantasy and hence mods bein created to cater for this desire. however this does not reflect at all on the userbase of the nexus. this is on the people who are usin the images section. there are plenty of images created which are not gratuitus b - many of these are by just a few authors. perhaps the thumbs up are by a small selection of people - i would not be surprised. again not a true reflection of the nexus but of a niche subgroup who are active in the image site c - personally i use naked mods to add depth and realism to the game. these are entirely optional and my choice. any one who has problems or difficulty with seein male or female nudity - well i am not any from of expert here but would first suggest you have some "issues". nudity is perfectly natural, WE ARE ALL NAKED sometimes. d - a short perusal through the images i only see implied nudity. there are very clear options to filter what you would like to see in the images section...if you want to find erotic on this site - it is easy. if you do not want to see it - i imagine it is easy. it personally does not bother me. e - PENIS f - VAGINA g - as often stated - what about all the violence? a little bit of naked flesh is nothin compared to...oh...say killin children. but this is a game for adults not for children. if you cannot handle adult media i suggest movin elsewhere - i do not want your censorship imposin on my art choices. h - no-one anywhere here is sayin you cannot add your own images. if you want to change somethin - get active about it. i often install mods i do not even use or see...but knowin they are there gives the game a definte edge and depth for me. somethin which is just unavailable in the vanilla experience because of people afraid of some cock and fanny. remember the resources on this site are a user created thing. people put a lot of time and effort to create incredible resources. AND THEN are generous enough to share them with us, when we are asked nothin in return. yes occasionally i find a mod which i find a little shockin and unnecessary but this is not official created stuff. just a niche market which other people desire as well. i look at this site as bein at a big wild party in a mansion. every now and then you walk in a room and go "jesus" and walk away. but this is a fantasy world and to be honest as long as everyone in that room are consenting then what is the problem? ETA - this is the real stuff to be offended about http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/11225
  4. you know...i have never used the vanilla one. so i guess it is an essential mod too.
  5. oh that looks spot on to start with...will give it a go next time i am in game. what were the developers thinkin with those drab drab robes?
  6. whenever i do a fresh mod start in skyrim nude mods are the first to go on. that stupid scummy underwear stuck on? that is offensive...we're all naked when we take off our clothes. it is so weird that violence is ok but nudity is not. hell i am naked right now and my fiance is naked beside me...but it would be somehow better if we were ripped in pieces and covered in blood? weird and that comment about pedophilia and necrophilia? like WTF?
  7. i have had a good look and can't see anythin so apologies if this is obvious. i really hate the vanilla mage and wizardy outfits. just drab black like...monk clothes. is there any mods anyone knows that replace the NPC/enemy characters with more interestin lookin garb. nothin too kinky, just somethin more interestin, thanks for any suggestions
  8. realistic lightin for me, i spend ages just bein shocked at how beautiful a change in lightin does. along with climates and of course some nude mods
  9. thanks for the reply and information. i am gettin a lot more from the game slowly addin mods and bein 100% on what they do. I guess BOSS has surprised me because it seems so simple to use i thought i must have been missin somethin.
  10. thanks for the reply! yes i use SKSE but never really messed with BOSS as it confused me (i use to have many many mods installed). But i only have about 10 mods at the minute and am adding them much slower than in the past - so perhaps now is a good time to learn that tool. How do i skip the loading screen mentioned with SKSE in place? ETA - or do you mean the options menu which starts when you launch skyrim rather than SKSE which launches straight to the game?
  11. the best way i have found for troubleshootin mods is to disable half your plugins and return to the area in question...if you do not get the CTD then you know the problem lies in the half disabled...repeat process again until your narrow it down.
  12. ETA - apologies for topic title bein shortened...i did not realise there was a limit to that hi folks, i have just made a new installation of skyrim and am installing mods one at a time to try to keep my game as simple as possible. i am usin nexus mod manager and what i am doin is quittin to desktop and then installing the mod and restartin the game. this is takin up time as you know, so i was wonderin can i switch to my mod manager while the game is runnin install the mod and then load a save to see how the mod takes effect? or do i have to quit the game each time? i know this is quite an obvious question but i don't want to experiment here as it may cause issues? also is there a method of startin skyrim straight into a load rather than havin to go to the main menu each time i start the game? thanks for any help here...all the best people :smile:
  13. wow - the winter version looks awesome. how will that be implememted? will it be through options in game? or when the mod is installed? or will it happen naturally over time? whichever it is colour me interested!
  14. cheers for the reply....that all sounds good. that sounds like the game for me alright, somethin to get lost in. cheers for the links too, that should get me started :) nudity is a must for me...it isn't because i am dirty, it is just we are naked under our clothes! and if we are goin to be filthy...well we may as well see it! on sayin that i was a bit shocked at the better sex cutscenes...crikey.
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