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Reasons why you reloaded a save?
Scribblesix replied to GringoLoco91's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Eh, i Dunno man everything they did is fairly standard for civil wars everywhere, furthermore it clearly says in the logs that most of the people in covenant have escaped from the institute and are suffering from various degrees of PTSD. Murdering them makes you a far more reprehensible killer than they ever were. -
Reasons why you reloaded a save?
Scribblesix replied to GringoLoco91's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
As an aside... why does everyone nuke covenant? It seems that it would be a much shittier place after you murder the unique NPC's to replace them with the ghastly settlers who moan incessantly about their fingernails. As with everyone else my big save reload was saving kent. The other was running into a legendary knife-armed assualtron in the institute (fast, instakiller in enclosed spaces is scary). Think it took me 9 reloads to kill it (eventually gave up facing it in a straight fight and used 3 nuka-mines to blow a leg off then 9 plasma grenades, 12 pulse grenades and around 20 frags lobbed over walls and around corners to finish it off as it crawled ever onwards.) -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Sure, though my VPN is blocked at present so I'm having all kinds of trouble accessing google. No chance you guys are using BAND is there? -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
occurred to me that for a potential content mod, a lot of this is very srs business, so I was thinking of designing a little wacky mission to lighten things up. As I speak pretty fluent Mandarin I thought, why not use that? So here is the proposed mission. Synopsis: Player is asked to investigate signs of burrowing and strange sounds coming from underground. Player enters though (military bunker??) First room is a 'Potemkin village' of badly spelt Americana with secret entrance to..a Robotic Maoist commune! (robots where infected by Chinese virus just prior to the war) The robots are engaged in nutty Maoist era directives such as “Dig deep holes" (Cant find an English source on this without google: The 'masses' had to dig great tunnels to hide from 'american bombardment'. Like all Maoist era directives with wasn't carried out professionally, they literally just ordered peasants to start digging tunnels with whatever they had on hand ) and the Great Leap Forward, I'm thinking specifically of the melting of pots and pans to make steel.)The robots are underground randomly digging and collecting scrap to reforge into a liberty prime equivalent called *Robot Masses Liberation Unit* (or something equally preposterous) -I thought this might make a nice satire on the player reforging everything from laser rifles to whole towns out of tin cans and cola bottles.The player then destroys (violence or Charisma), Reprograms (Sneak or Intelligence) or re-purposes (Charisma) A 'Backyard furnace' Dig that Hole!http://photocdn.sohu.com/20150424/Img411807314.jpgOptional: yes."Style: Silly.Location: Any, will take place solely in a single, underground dungeon.Multiple completion paths? Yes: extermination , Sneaking (hidden reset button-restores original programming)charisma/intelligence: convince robots you are Chinese agent, assist them in making scrap liberty prime which then blows up killing them all. OR convince them to head out into the wilderness to instigate a guerrilla campaign/educate the masses (generates random 'Chinese robot encounters and allows recruitment of them for use as robotic scrappers in your settlements).Work required: Textures and Art: Maoist Slogans on posters and walls. Possible re texture of some of the robots.Voice work: Not required as robots we can just use text-speech. If wanted I could record mandarin speech for the player (if people want to use a voiced protagonist for the charisma route)Mod Size: Flexible. Small to large, the more difficult ending (charisma/intelligence) can be readily postponed. Anyway let me know what you think, I know we've got a LOT planned for this mod however much of it seems rather advanced (ai overhaul) so I thought projects like this might be something for the lower skilled people (ie me) to sink their teeth into. All ideas welcome ect. -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I know precious little about coding Ai, but it strikes me that it might be much easier to improve vertibirds if they had a single weapon type, at least firing arc. So something like a Aerial Rocket Artillery gunship, solely armed with FFARs (like on of the old UH 1Bs). Launches a saturation bombardment, then bugs off. (Would be pretty cool to watch one of these rocket strike a mutant camp) Also, though this is a complete guess, some of the problems with veribirds seem to stem from their having a fixed frontal cannon that they like to use at extremely close range, perhaps changing it to a turreted weapon might make them behave better. -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
One has to be a little careful when making comparisons to real life equipment, just because the fallout world works so differently, Combat takes place at a knife fight range, and everyone can magically soak up vast amounts of damage untill they suddenly cant anymore. One of the problems of the vertibirds is the generally shittyness of the minigun, perhaps a special vertiberd variant that does explosive damage and doubles fireing rate might be a start. -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Regarding logic and time, fallout is a bit of a bugger as it prefers whim over consistancy. The commonwealth is meant to look crap, and unimproved by time, so im fine with a shitty looking diamond city. A brotherhood kiosk or consulate would be great though. esp if we could rig up some witcher 3 style kids nursery rhymes to torment them. "Maxims' draws are fallin' down, fallin' down, Muties goin' crazy" That's all just engine limitations. I think theres meant to be (tens of) thousands of people living there. How to suggest the presence of the swarm of NPc's your game is unable to render isn't easy. -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Regarding logic and time, fallout is a bit of a bugger as it prefers whim over consistancy. The commonwealth is meant to look crap, and unimproved by time, so im fine with a shitty looking diamond city. A brotherhood kiosk or consulate would be great though. esp if we could rig up some witcher 3 style kids nursery rhymes to torment them. "Maxims' draws are fallin' down, fallin' down, Muties goin' crazy" -
Here's what mods I use, please suggest more.
Scribblesix replied to Superrpgman's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
True Storms: Trouser buster. Better item sorting essential. Quieter settlements essential Simple intersections: essential True Storms: Trouser buster. Wet: Brilliant More where that came from (more diamond city radio songs) Brilliant Lowered weapons: brilliant, BUT scopes will completely block your FoV when trying to throw grenades so needs some post geck work. Eyes of Beauty, brilliant. Improved map w. visible roads: brilliant Patrolman sunglasses: brilliant True Storms: Trouser buster. Homemaker: woohoo, no more stacks of large generators. then theres a bunch of other stuff such as improved minigun damage and a nude mod i only installed to get rid of the perfect M@S underwear everyone has. hmmm Mod request... realistic knickers. -
eh, I'm a bit pissed, it being Saturday night and all. But wouldn't the best solution to all this to be to work out a system whereby no nsfw images are shown in a mods banner. Honestly most porn sites know better than to decorate their front page with stills of gaping vaginas and angry photoshoped dicks.
Fallout Intensive Expansion Mod : We need a bigger Dev Team
Scribblesix replied to CastCapo's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This sounds very ambitious, good luck to you! -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Off topic and regarding the UK's new nuclear plants, people are aware that they are paying the CHINESE to build the f*#@ing thing right? the same people with a long and proud history of nuclear safety and innovative reactor design. Whereas the French where even allowed to bid. f*#@it. Anyway I don't think any of the existing companions would be interested in joining the BoS, well... maybe Cait afters shes been cleaned up and is going bonkers. Re the reactor exploding, I honestly either wouldnt touch it or kick it into the long grass as an ancillary project, it'd be a LOT of work for fairly meager rewards. Soo.... being still unable to read google docs whats the basic structure for the mod so far? 'Militarize' the BoS' encampments (Drill instructors, pushups, firing ranges) Add 'Boot camp miniquest' (how to use power armour ect) Improve, if poss AI, particularly that of vertibirds. Add interactions with the Minutemen or possibly railroad to form truces/alliances. Allow BoS settlements? More varied path to endgame (institute nullification) with effects of endgame terrain. Add endgame missions? (The sentinel missions proposed by Ath) -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
No way in hell the BoS would allow an independant insitute so that can be written off. So that leaves an additional two endings; B and C. Ending B) The Institute is cleared out becomes a BoS base. Will require a new cinematic (should be fairly easy to do in game; lots of clips of institute staff getting miniguned down plus a voice-over)redesign of the institute (battle damage, no scientists, lots of scribes ect) We can probably shut off a few wings to make it easier.New dialogue for the above scribes and if poss major brotherhood characters. (the last will be tricky) Ending C) The institute surrenders and becomes dominated by the Brotherhood. Will require a new cinematic (again should be fairly easy to do in game; clips of institute staff surrendering to paladins, then some of scribes and scientist working together)redesign of the institute (can probably reuse a lot of the assets from B, though it'll need a fair amount of scientist-scribe banter to make it believable.) -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
sorry, double post, thank you glorious china. -
Brotherhood Overhaul (Conceptual Stage)
Scribblesix replied to Vaernus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You echo my feelings here. More choices are great, 1) The Violence Options Detonate the reactor (brotherhoods first choice) Leads to ending A.Force capitulation. (cut a swathe of destruction through the base until the insitute surrender.) Leads to endings C or D.Sweep and clear (ignore offer of cease fire- Kill everything in the institute that doesn't surrender) the institute then becomes a BoS/Minuteman base or is abandoned with the railroad.) Leads to ending B.The Intelligence Options Intelligence (robotics/nuclear physicist perks?) create a device that shuts down all synths (for a time)Hacking: sneak into the institute and hack/lockpick the codes to shut down all synths.Both of these options lead to Force capitulation. The Charisma options: Convince the institute board that their synth plans are immoral/stupid. Leads to ending DEnding A) Boom. BoS like this, Minutemen hate it Ending B) The Institute is cleared out becomes a Minuteman or BoS base, or if the railroad is chosen it it abandoned and becomes a raider or gunner hideout. (all factions approve of this ending) Requires a fair amount of work particularly voice work. Ending C) The institute surrenders and becomes dominated by the conquering faction. Requires a lot of work. Ending D) Neutered institute, the institute remain independent but cease to bother the commonwealth, all gen 3 synths are destroyed or freed. Institute gets its needs via trade. BoS HATE this, minutemen like it. Requires moderate work.