You can call it power armor for all I care. Don't forget the shield. I dont think UESP has a picture of it. There was also a weapon set. Though, the Snow Elves would not have Stahlrim. It was specific to ancient nordic burial rituals. It was cut lore that should have been in Skyrim, but Bethesda likes retconning and alienating every prior fan-base and cutting content with every installment. So no surprise there. And I believe there was an ancient Snow Elf prince burial site in Bloodmoon, and he had steel plate armor. Really, there should be a Stahlrim DLC. New armor, new weapons, new quests. But again: Bethesda. Never going to happen. They all look to same-ish to me in Skyrim. Morrowind had somewhat clashing aesthetics between different cultures, I like how different most armor sets managed to look. Skyrim was pretty visually cohesive across all cultures, you can really tell they were all sketched up by the same artist. The significantly smaller pool of armor in Skyrim doesn't help either. Especially when you have just "Elven" armor. "Elven". Really? They are "mer", like the word "man". Get your own damn cannon correct. And it's specifically Altmer led Dominion faction armor. It should just be "Dominion" armor, like "Imperial" armor. It doesn't represent any of the other mer cultures. In fact, none of the other mer cultures are really represented anymore. They're all just "elves" now, with magical lightweight golden mithril armor right out of LOTR. Technically both cohesive aesthetics and variety are desirable, but I'd like to sacrifice the former for more of the latter.