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Posts posted by Crisb92

  1. Hey,

    I'm using the French GOTY version of Oblivion on Windows 7, with a fair few mods installed, and wanted to change a couple of settings in the ini. Unfortunately, it's not in the main Oblivion folder, and a search hasn't revealed it hiding somewhere. I tried getting a copy of it online, and sticking that in the folder, but it didn't change anything in-game. The game is working perfectly, and all my settings are saved between sessions...


    Any ideas?




    All Natural Base.esm

    Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

    Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

    Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm


    Mart's Monster Mod.esm

    Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm




    Kvatch Rebuilt.esm

    Better Cities Resources.esm



    TNR - ShiveringIsles.esp

    TNR - ShiveringIsles no helms.esp

    Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


    UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

    Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp


    Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp


    Better Cities .esp

    Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp

    Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp

    Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp

    Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp




    Fran Armor Add-on.esp


    All Natural.esp

    All Natural - SI.esp

    Immersive Interiors.esp

    Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp


    Symphony of Violence.esp

    Atmospheric Oblivion.esp

    Storms & Sound.esp


    All Natural - Real Lights.esp

    Book Jackets Oblivion.esp

    Better Wine SI.esp






    Streamline 3.1.esp

    Book Jackets DLC.esp


    CM_Better Wine_SI.esp


    Roberts Armamentium female.esp

    Slof's Horses Base.esp

    Slof's Extra Horses.esp

    Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp


    Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp


    Oblivion WarCry EV.esp









    Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Durzog Addon.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp



    Artefacts of the Ancestors.esp


    Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp

    Kvatch Rebuilt.esp


    Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp



    Correctif Knights.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Knights.esp





    The Lost Spires.esp

    OCC-Lost Spires-Patch.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp



    Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp



    LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp



    FranMWL-TheHeath patch.esp



    LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp


















    TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp

    KvatchRebuilt-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp




    OOO-Snowdale Patch.esp

    Open Better Cities - Full City Defences.esp

    Open Cities New Sheoth.esp

    Open Cities Outer Districts.esp

    Open Cities Full.esp


    OC+Cheydinhal Falls Patch.esp

    OC+ULSkingradOutskirts Patch.esp


    Leviathan Soulgems.esp

    P1DKeyChainSI Merged.esp

    Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp




    OC+Midas Magic Patch.esp

    Faster Spells.esp

    attack and hide medium v2.1.esp

    Denock Arrows.esp

    'Eagle Eye' Realistic Archery v1.0 Fixed.esp


    Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp



    Real Lava 1.3.esp


    Open Cities Classic Road Record.esp

    Bashed Patch, 0.esp


    Open Cities Resources.esm


  2. I can't speak for everyone, but I just reinstalled Morrowind a few days ago and haven't experienced a crash in the game once yet, although I have grabbed the community made patches from this guide: http://morrowind2009.wordpress.com/


    I've also played the game a fair bit previously and can't remember any stability issues, but I may just have been lucky.


    Good luck, and have fun.



  3. why are peope still plaing morrowind, in a few months elderscrolls 5 will be out, and ur playing number 3. im not saying u shouldnt be, im asking why.


    Well, for a start, it is rather unlikely that ESV will be out in the next year, let alone the next few months unless I have missed a major announcement. Secondly, many feel that Morrowind has a great storyline and general gameplay that was lost when moving to Oblivion. And thirdly, with graphics mods and other additions, such as MGE, it is possible to bring Morrowind almost to the graphical standard of modern games.


    Plus, it's enjoyable just to go back and play for nostalgic value, if nothing else. Just a few reasons that I can think of :P

  4. Hey, I've been playing my current Morrowind game for a fair while now and recently the frame rate in Balmora and Ald-Ruhn has dropped considerably from ~40-60 to less than 20. Also, the game frequently pauses for up to 30 seconds when I'm in those locations. I have amassed a considerable amount of stuff and completed both the Tribunal and Bloodmoon main quests, and am almost finished with the Morrowind one.


    I have checked with a new game, and there are no problems in either area. My system: Ati 4870, e8400, 4GB. (Haven't had any problems up until now) Save game is at 8.5MB, with a fair few mods and texture replacers.


    Do you know what is causing this? How can I fix it?




  5. Nvidia (MSI) 7600GT AGP 512MB DDR2 560/800 FTW! Yeah woo


    It gets up to at least 30fps outdoors in Oblivion, and runs my selection of games fine at 1680x1050.


    But that doesn't stop me wanting my new, delayed, 8800GT rig, or 9800GT, or 10800GT, or whatever it is by the time I actually buy it.


    BTW, does anyone know how an 8600M GT 256MB DDR2 would perform compared to the 7600GT?

  6. QUOTE(Timeslip)Why have pixel shaded water and/or shadows been disabled?

    MGE's distant land is not compatible with morrowinds shadows or pixel shaded water, and so they are automatically disabled. If you have a sm2 graphics card MGE can replace morrowinds water with its own, but nothing can be done about shadows. MGE may not automatically reenable them when distant land is disabled, so make sure you double check.

    Neither shadows or the water can be reenabled inside MGE; To turn the water back on click 'options' in the morrowind launcher and change the pixel shader setting. Shadows need to be turned back on in the normal morrowind graphics menu.


    If the shadows slider is gone even with distant land turned off, it's because you're using different z-buffer format to what morrowind was expecting. (i.e. D24S8)





    This is his answer, while this hasn't worked for me, it may be just that I have had the wrong settings enabled within MGE to allow for the pixel shader, I'll give it a go once I have reinstalled.


    EDIT: Just found these, if you can't get the original pixel shader working, and want something different to the default, have a glance over these: Water Shader Tweaks


    EDIT2: I've played around with MGE, and have figured out that I cannot, in any instance, under any circumstances get the pixel shaded water abck. I believe that to do this you must play without distant land, which does away with the point of the mod. I have found a rather good replacement, in my opinion, for the water shader that comes with it, making the reflections less distinct and the sunsets/rises much more beautiful. Should be easy enough to find if you search for MGE.

  7. Hey mates i hope yall have a merry X-mas and Christmas or whatever yall do that day. With love from your troops in the sandbox (Iraq). Uvaaka


    Merry Christmas to you too. And, if I can ask a question, how is it over there, every day we (Australia) see stories on the news, but I am yet to hear an opinion from someone in the country, so what is it like?


    Thanks for any response, good on you.

  8. Happy Generic Winter Solstice Holiday!


    It's Summer here...


    Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hope you win something with the slots Dark0ne. Sorry to hear that Malchik, my Grandmother died earlier in the year, likewise it will be the first Christmas I celebrate without her prescence.

  9. 499. The retired guard you meet in a DB quest sleeps in the same bed as another man, maybe Bethesda is giving us a message of gay tolerance.


    500. The Emperor may well have had the least lines of dialogue in the entire game, but he has been recognised, rightfully, as one of the best voice actors in the game. I still believe that Lucien Lachance is the best though, no matter how fired up the opening of the game got me.


    Phew, that took a LONG time, but I think we made, with or without the confusion about numbering. Someone will have to go back and check, I might, it'll be fun to read them all again.

  10. 485. The Scamp from Morrowind is alive and well, there is a shape-shifter who suggested he was once a scamp who dealt with Orcs.


    486. There are no, and never have been any tides on Cyrodiil, so how did the beaches get what appear to be tide marks?


    487. The cities look terrible when viewed from outside, apparently the LOD doesn't work so fine for them, no matter how well it renders fields and mountains. Try Open Cities.


    488. If you have seen one rock, you have seen them all. Apart from Oblivion, there are no different types of rock. Apparently Cyrodiil has no variation, no granite, marble, just gray, wavy and smooth rocks.


    489. The wilderness is very empty, you can go for ages without spotting a single wolf or bandit, in fact, contrary to the Imperial notices, you are more likely to be assaulted while travelling upon the roads.


    490. On that point, there seem to be a lot of caves very near to the roads, is this just an astounding chance, or was the landscape planned by some all seeing god, who knew where the Imperial's would build their roads.

  11. Actually, there were a bunch of repeated numbers in there somewhere. I just continued as if the original posters had numbered them correctly. ;)

    Whoops, sorry Dreadguy, I just took it as you being funny.


    In which case, sigh, we are now up to 468, so the next poster, use that, not whatever I lead you to believe in the first place.


    Sorry again,



  12. This is because it assumes that Mournhold has the distant land of Ebonheart, the place you are transported from. There are fixes for this, entitled MGE distant land fix, or something similar. You'll find it in google that way.


    As yet, I don't believe that you can use the original pixel shader, I certainly couldn't work it out, but there is an option to import shaders built into it, and if you read my previous post, I have suggested how to fix this. I liked the original shader much more than the reflective water too.

  13. You know, we have actually missed 13 things, thanks to Wrath of Dread Guy.


    It is on page 14, look:


    Fozzie 69:

    408. your player appears to be a mute who can say only these words rumors, imperial city, no, yes and resist arrest


    409. an aroow will pass through 20 centimetered of other wordly armour through bone and flesh back through armor all without killing you


    410. the only use for telekenisis is moving paintbrushes around


    411. the painter outside anvil in the docks seems to paint for years on end without any progress or noticing the sun sets on the other side of the lighthouse


    412. imps fall and die if they go over dive rock even though they have wings .. same with all other flying creatures


    413. if peoples souls are in anothter plane their bodies are immortal


    414.killing a guard then taking his armor wearing it then walking past a guard seems completely inconspicuous


    415. if you sneak you cant place an item in a container untill you stand up


    Wrath of Dreadguy:


    429. Always read the last post carefully. wink.gif



    Rather funny, I just noticed it, so we are actually up to 444, not 457.


    So if you want to edit them... or we can keep going anyway, and celebrate slightly later, or just go back to 445 in this post, which gives me an idea, hmm, something interesting...



    Here we go:


    445: The Dark Brotherhood, one of the most ruthless guilds in Cyrodiil, has a pet rat called Schema, who is quite useful for stealth practice, and, in my opinion, cuter than the other rats.




    446. OH MY GOD. I have to mention this. I just wandered into Cheydinhal, to go to the sanctuary, and who should assault me with his voice but Aldos Othran. If you haven't yet heard him, go, be shocked, listen to him sing horribly about cliffracers flying in the sky, then cut both your ears off. THIS SIMPLY CANNOT BE MISSED.

  14. If you want the creator of the mod, SkyCaptain, to help you, I would suggest posting in the official thread either on Nexus or Bethesda forums, as he may well be able to help you. Also, make sure you read the readme that came with the mod, it is informative and easy to follow, and sounds like it should solve the problems you are having.


    Good luck,





    Some answers:

    You do not have to be a certain level to use elemental damage, you have to deal a certain amount of damage with a spell, and not one over an amount of time, it must be instantaneous, otherwise the script is unable to run.


    You can change the chance of decapitations and other aspects of the mod in the setup menu, through using the hourglass that has been mentioned.


    To use horse combat you have to press the key that you assigned to it through the setup menu, it has to be told to happen. However, mounted spell casting should work regardless, if I remember correctly.


    Shield bash is also assigned to a key that you pressed in the setup menu, so if the "pushing back" you described happens automatically, it probably isn't it.


    Once again, if you read the readme and follow its advice, it should work with no problems.

  15. Hey I'm looking for the mod that increases the number of characters/creatures to be in combat at one time... I think it increases it so there can be 50 combatants... but any mods you know of that do this would be of interest to me so just list 'em all please.


    There is one I know of called Adrenaline Oblivion, or something similar, it was designed to be run with FCOM/ OOO, but can be used just as effectively with Vanilla Oblivion.


    There is nothing preventing the use of 50 or more combatants, but Bethesda Softworks avoided this, as it would cause the Xbox 360 and most computers to turn into slideshows, this may be a consideration.



  16. Arrenmog: At the Global Graphics tab you can tick the box 'Water is reflective' if you want it to be reflective. I'm pretty sure the water looks like the original water again that way. No need to give it a 3 for that.


    Good suggestion Povuholo, but unfortunately this just makes the water like a mirror, as opposed to the shader it previously had. I'm sure, as it already exists, that the shader could be implemented by the user through MGE, but I would suggest searching on Planet Elder Scrolls, or here possibly, for a different water shader, i can remember I found one that wasn't too bad.


    Then of course, someone could contact, is it Timeslip?, and ask him:

    a) is it possible? and

    b) could he/she do it?


    I'm sure he would be happy to oblige, if indeed he is still modding.


    Plus, you can work out the slow fps that people have been talking about, it just takes a fair amount of grit and time, *twitch, twitch*


    Hope this helps,



  17. A good point, I mean, in terms of the immersion at least, it lacks the sense of a flowing population, where new people are turning up all the time, all on adventures of their own. Surely there must be new prisoners that are escaping when an emperor finds them locked in the cell that he is...

    (Maybe I shouldn't go there)


    Hmm, but at least having randomly spawning adventures, like a few mods in Morrowind achieved would add to the idea that new people are coming along all the time, rather than there being a finite number of people that are going to, well, get older with the player.

  18. My ingame map, that shows the local and world areas, has been affected by two mods that I have used: Fort Firemoth and Sea of Destiny. The problem is that, even though I was able to remove the Firemoth mod, and then installed the SoD mod the map still includes the firemoth region. While this does not actually affect anything other than the map, it is annoying and results in many of the cities being situated on water (Figuratively), and not being able to properly see where the continent is.


    Is there a way to fix this, I am guessing that there may be a file for the map that could be replaced?





    Sorry for any inconvenience, but the problem has been solved, I changed the load order of the mods, removing firemoth properly.

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