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About lowbred

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  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I will definitely have a read.
  2. Very, very cool Pixelhate! I did give up trying myself but have since learned a bit more about the different branches. There's not a lot of informative tutorials on the www that I could find regarding certain nif properties. I am now planning to start my first play through of FNV but I wanted to research about certain things before I started. Like bugs, companions and player homes. Didn't like the vanilla homes so I made my own and this mod you provided is a cherry addition. I did however manage to import the FO3 Working Nuka Clock mod into my FNV plugin, I am most likely gonna have to do a bit more NifScope learning to make them work together. Comparing the original to the one you provided should make it simple. Awesome! Thanks very much!
  3. I have just completed my first mod of the Megaton house and I am very happy with the result. There is one thing that has bothered me always about the Nuka-Cola clock, it only glows from 6 AM to shortly after 6 PM. I would love for it to glow 2-4-7. I have spent the last three days researching about .nif's and animation, I'm a total noob when it comes to mesh/model's. I've read through many different forum threads, Pixelhate's Material and Textures Animations with NifSkope - Tutorial, with no success using NifSkope. Changing a 'value' results in no change or the game crashing. Have I made the wrong assumption about (NukaClock01.nif) the clocks animation? I could find no reference or a mod that does what I would like. It'd be great if someone could point me in the right direction. Or even better, make the mod to make it glow all day.
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