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Everything posted by Snowman131

  1. You're going to have to make a new item for each piece in not only the armature category, but the armor category, and the recipes if you want them craftable.
  2. OH. Yes, you're going to have to make it standalone, and therefore make an esp and add your stuff to it. >.<
  3. Aha sorry, in Skyedit, one of the categories above "armor" is "armature", load up JUST your file and you'll see that there are some items in that category.
  4. You'll have to change the armature models in Skyedit as well for one thing.
  5. You need to use TESVSNIP, get that and edit your .esp file, it's pretty easy to work out. I had this issue the other day: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/546496-inventory-view-of-standalone-armour/page__pid__4462588#entry4462588
  6. Thank you so so much! I opened it up with TESVSNIP, and it just worked! You're a bloody champion! :D Hopefully the update will be released in the next day. (Y)
  7. This is something that occurred to me, but within Skyedit, there didn't seem to be anything to do with the inventory mesh, which would make sense as to why it's using the standard Nightingale mesh still. But yeah, couldn't find anything in Skyedit for inventory displays, and I looked everywhere. :s
  8. Yeah, I've got the .nif files for the inventory, and they were using the standard textures, so I renamed the directories to the new textures so they'd use them, but It just won't work. Thanks anyway.
  9. *bump* Idk what the rules about bumping are, but I need help on this before I cut a biznatch... I won't do it again I swear.
  10. I'm working with Tandellin on her Snowy Nightingale armour, making her textures into a standalone item, and I've got it all working... EXCEPT the inventory view, I've reassigned the "bootsgnd.nif" (and cowl, gauntlets and torso files), to the new textures, but the inventory view STILL is the old black textures. Does anyone know what could be wrong? Did I miss creating/editing something in Skyedit (the items are fully craftable and temperable) And I can't find any relevant parts in Skyedit featuring the Nightingale armour that I haven't created my own copy of. (Using latest Skyedit, Nifscope, and FO3Archive)
  11. Is there anyone out there kind enough to make a standalone version of this armour: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2198 But this shield instead of Ysgramor's: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5134 My skills when it comes to editing things fail something chronic, so yeah... THIS IS SPARTA!
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