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Everything posted by Deleted3761571User

  1. Hey people. I need your help. I can not find a mod. It what a la longue carabine without scope. I had installed the mod before, but I can not think of one more name. I thank you in advance.
  2. I got a new graphics card. It is a nvidia geforce gtx 650 2gb. The problem is: I get the settings are not adjusted properly. :confused: The shadows and the grass look like from old games. :confused: Do you have any idea how I can fix this? Or can you tell me what settings you used for your card?
  3. So, a quick status update. The mod is almost ready. :thumbsup: We just need to eliminate a few teething problems. In the mod upon release everything should work. :thumbsup:
  4. A recipe for this is not a problem. Hotplate + 10 arrows = 10 super heated arrows But where do you want to assign the textures?
  5. Project Crossbow New Vegas We bring crossbows into the wasteland. The Crossbow Team: Blachnick90 Concept Ammo Types Recipes Thundersmacker Weapon Model Textures Kuroitsune Impact Data Level Lists The Concept: The purpose of this mod is a usable crossbow to bring in the wasteland. These primitive weapons are very effective in use and easy to produce. So it is only logical that they are also used 200 after the Great War. All parts of this mod will be produced at the workbench. So the crossbow and arrows. Features: -a completely self-made crossbow, There will be no crossbow to buy from merchants. -Various arrow types: Normal armor piercing Incendiary Explosive Saw Head's Long Range NPC will use Crossbows Future Plans: fraction model's like Raider Crossbow with bones and skulls or modern hunting crossbows for NCR-Ranger more ammo types WIP Screens: Shoot Ammo Types 1 Ballistic, Reload, Impact Thundersmacker Crossbow Mesh WIP Thundersmacker Crossbow Scope Mesh WIP For suggestions and help with the mod we are always open. Specifically, another model editor and someone to do with animations would be very helpful. Because the crossbow should not be the only weapon. Another project is a bow and arrow Mod
  6. The same problems here in New Vegas. :sweat: Everytime I try to download file is corrupted. :wallbash:
  7. My character Rarity: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/32905 - Name: Rarity - Gender: female - Age: 19-23(?) - Race: Human / White - Combat Style: firearms of all kinds - Specialties: Ranged / guerrilla warfare / urban combat - Weaknesses: melee - Dislikes: ghouls - Wants: to stay alive - Fears: ghost people - Friendly Factions: NCR - Enemy Factions: Legion, all raiders - Companions: Cass, Veronica and Willow - Love interest?: Willow ;) - Parents: deceased / not known - Early life:no information on the past-present. except: She was probably an orphan. She was found by soldiers as a child in a crashed Vertibird. The crash site was in the near of Shady Sands. The Vertibird wore symbols of the enclave, which operated several of years ago in DC.
  8. This is perfect. Just perfect. You really have a talent for Outtit's. Is the armor ready to download? I've downloaded the mod with the boots. What would you have changed exactly? How should it look like?
  9. I meant the part of the body where the legs and hips turn. (Pelvic? :blink: ) Google has been mistranslated. :laugh: Sorry The texture I'm going to watch once.
  10. definitely YAE It looks great. A lot better than the original. The picture is a bit small, but I like what I see. :thumbsup: The hips are good. The basin is perhaps a bit too deep. (Can I see bad.) The shoulders also look very very good. Only the frontal armor and the boots does not really fit. (The décolleté is kinda :confused: ... well ... not really fit the battle armor) The original would look better. A picture of the back would be good. Yes, I know I'm stressful. Sorry :sweat: Which boots do you want the textures? Send me your version and I start immediately. :thumbsup:
  11. A UV map would be useful. :sweat: Send me your textures once and I will see what I can do. ;)
  12. No, I do not need special modifications to the armor. (So, no half-naked armor.) Just a little more feminine. For example, the legs and butt. The breast area is covered by the armor. The shoulder should be schmaller. The arms may also enjoy. Thank you that you want to make the armor. If you ever need textures tell me. :thumbsup:
  13. Cool. That you are comfortable with Blender I have seen on your pictures. :thumbsup:
  14. Hey people, I have a real problem. :( I do not include double posts are allowed. But I do not know exactly what my problem is. I have formatted my computer two weeks ago and now crashes my Fallout New Vegas again and again. Sometimes the weapons have also incorrect textures. It always has several reasons(Does not happen every time :confused: ): - If I choose a weapon by HotKey - Use the Pipboy - I turn - Enter a new WorldCell - If the memory consumption increases (?) In general, my CPU usage(memory) goes very quickly. I installed only the texture packages from Millennia and Project Reality I installed Steam under C / games. I was wondering if I have too many mods. But before formatting it were 164 mods. Can someone help me? :( Can not even play properly for two weeks. :wallbash: My Sytem: Windows 7 Home Premium system: Classification: 5.9 Windows Experience Index Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i5 CPU Memory: 4.00 GB (3.87 GB usable) Motherboard: Dell XPS 8300 (I think :sweat: ) Graphics Card : ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series System type: 64 bit operating system Mod load order report: - FalloutNV.esm - DeadMoney.esm -HonestHearts.esm - OldWorldBlues.esm - LonesomeRoad.esm - GunRunnersArsenal.esm - ClassicPack.esm - MercenaryPack.esm - TribalPack.esm - CaravanPack.esm - Lings.esm - Readius_NV.esp - BlackWolf Backpack.esp To be used with BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp - BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp To be used with BlackWolf Backpack.esp - epock.esp Meshes based off of the Type 3 Female Body. - UrgeWasterScarf.esp - NVWillow.esp - T6M Old World Blues Replace.esp - jotoughgirl.esp (Inactive) - Falling Block Rifle.esp - 1 Camon 12.7mm Annihilator.esp - Showdown.esp - 01Cass.esp - WearableDogtags.esp - T6M Dead Money Armor.esp - BlackMountainThugArmorT6m.esp
  15. Hey people, I have a real problem. :sad: I have formatted my computer two weeks ago and now crashes my Fallout New Vegas again and again. Sometimes the weapons have also incorrect textures. It always has several reasons(Does not happen every time :confused: ): - If I choose a weapon by HotKey - Use the Pipboy - I turn - Enter a new WorldCell - If the memory consumption increases (?) In general, my CPU usage(memory) goes very quickly. I installed only the texture packages from Millennia and Project Reality I installed Steam under C / games. I was wondering if I have too many mods. But before formatting it were 164 mods. Can someone help me? :sad: Can not even play properly for two weeks. :wallbash: My Sytem: Windows 7 Home Premium system: Classification: 5.9 Windows Experience Index Processor: Intel ® Core i5 CPU Memory: 4.00 GB (3.87 GB usable) Motherboard: Dell XPS 8300 (I think :sweat: ) Graphics Card : ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series System type: 64 bit operating system Mod load order report: - FalloutNV.esm - DeadMoney.esm -HonestHearts.esm - OldWorldBlues.esm - LonesomeRoad.esm - GunRunnersArsenal.esm - ClassicPack.esm - MercenaryPack.esm - TribalPack.esm - CaravanPack.esm - Lings.esm - Readius_NV.esp - BlackWolf Backpack.esp To be used with BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp - BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp To be used with BlackWolf Backpack.esp - epock.esp Meshes based off of the Type 3 Female Body. - UrgeWasterScarf.esp - NVWillow.esp - T6M Old World Blues Replace.esp - jotoughgirl.esp (Inactive) - Falling Block Rifle.esp - 1 Camon 12.7mm Annihilator.esp - Showdown.esp - 01Cass.esp - WearableDogtags.esp - T6M Dead Money Armor.esp - BlackMountainThugArmorT6m.esp
  16. People I've found the error of the Scout outfits. It was but the texture sets. Thank's for the help. The bug affects all the textures but I still do not know. The fix is available in a few minutes.
  17. The Scout outfit but has assigned a mesh and it is also included. (also fits the texture set). The failure of the jacket is limited because the texture is mirrored half. The errors can occur, perhaps when the BMT mod loads after my Mod? :blink: (rather than before)
  18. The problem does not occur at all but to some people. :wallbash: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46713 Can someone please help me find the error :sad: ?
  19. I think the looks here very similar to the M1861: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37633
  20. I'm not sure but you are looking for such a mask? http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44014
  21. I have a question: Is there a Type3 or Type6 version for the Ranger Patrol Armor? Does anyone know of such a mod? The female Vanilla version looks unfortunately not so nice.
  22. @ita Thx hmm, does not look bad, maybe I can change the weapon fits.
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