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About lotra2

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  1. close but not, that's why I'm requesting it cause the taurus looks more elegant (no offense to the auther of that mod) ps. kinda unfair having to go to quarry junction to get that gun, it's hard as hell
  2. no it's not, i searched with both Taurus and raging bull and found nothing!
  3. Just as the title says it, would someone be interested in making this gun using the .357 magnum round? of course this gun shouldn't be made to weak its meant to take down elephants in a few shots. thanks http://whichgun.com/img/firearms/revolvers/taurus/raging_bull_model_454_8_3_8-inch/1.jpg
  4. I would also love to see castle volkihar and dawnfuard clean, freee of bones blood and devines knows what else. sad that currently no mod offers this
  5. So I've been wonderingg if someone could make a mod where instead of 5 points to spend in your SPECIAL, you get 15. why 15? well if I remember corectly there is a perk in the game that will allow you to spend 1 poitn in your SPECIAL per rank. So basicly this mod would give you 10 extra points rigth of the bat while ofcourse removing or disabling the perk. sorry if this was already made or requested and thanks for considering or reading.
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