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Status Updates posted by FalmerBane

  1. Thanks for the add and Kudo's tattooedillusions!
  2. Looking forward to your return soon Willow. I hope your creative juices have been flowing in the meanwhile! :)
  3. Thought it was a joke at first... Banned?! Sorry Ms. Willow, keep your chin up and I hope to see you back on the Nexus very very soon!!
  4. Okay so I am intermingling new followers with updating the old ones. The process is sloooow...
  5. Over the next few weeks I will be updating my older followers instead of making any new ones. There will be some corrective changes and hopefully some subtle improvements. I have learned much since my first 10 mods and hope to make them shine a little more.
  6. Thanks zzjay! :)
  7. My game was corrupted today so will have to start all over. This will hamper any future character creations for a while unfortunately.
  8. solsikke737, Thank you! The modding community is pretty incredible here and Willow has been wonderful in helping me in the past so its only natural I would do what I can to reciprocate. :)
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