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About Gamelander

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  1. Hey everyone, I can't believe this thread is still being updated after all this time. When I realized that I won't find an actual mod or anyone willing to make one, I made my own custom Xpadder controller file; I had already done this with Morrowind before. This method is probably the most popular, as you can tell in this thread and others like it. Still, thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. Also, thanks for the update HareDeLune, I'll definitely keep this link in mind. I was wondering, is it any better than most of the Xpadder profiles out there in any way? I'm asking because I've seen, and made, some pretty good ones. Granted, mine was a hybrid approach; it didn't require a keyboard and mouse, but using a mouse made things a lot easier when dealing with the menu system. I've yet to actually play Oblivion, and now seems like a good time to give it another go. Thank you
  2. Active Mod Files: Do you need anything else? I already have BOSS, I ran it again anyway, not sure how to use it, but everything checked out fine from what I saw (Everything was green, no errors or any messages of note).
  3. So, with further testing, it seems that Godrays is responsible for this issue that I was having, I'm not sure what I can do to have godrays working fine without the flickering happening though. Here are the screenshots that I took of Wrye Bash (I'm new, so I didn't understand what you wanted exactly, hope this is it): http://s1137.photobucket.com/albums/n509/Wolf_King/?action=view&current=1.jpg http://s1137.photobucket.com/albums/n509/Wolf_King/?action=view&current=1.jpg#!oZZ13QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1137.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fn509%2FWolf_King%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2.jpg Also, here is my Sharder.txt, everything is off as of now, but if there's a combination of things that should be on for godrays to work, let me know. [Ambient Occlusion] Volumetric_SSAO.fx=0 Volumetric_SSII.fx=0 Volumetric_SSGI.fx=0 Ring_SSAO.fx=0 Ring_SSAO-q.fx=0 CrysisAO.fx=0 HBAO.fx=0 HDAO.fx=0 HSAO.fx=0 JakobsenAO.fx=0 [Lighting] Godrays05.fx=0 Godrays06.fx=0 LightShafts_PCS.fx=0 [Filtering] NormalFilterAA.fx=0 DLAA.fx=0 FXAA2.fx=0 FXAA3.fx=0 MLAA.fx=0 MDLAA.fx=0 MFXAA.fx=0 SMAA.fx=0 [Depth of Field] Shaped_Bokeh_DoF.fx=0 Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx=0 Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx=0 Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx=0 CrysisDoF.fx=0 DepthOfField.fx=0 [Misc] CelShader+EdgeAA.fx=0 ColorEffects.fx=0 ColorMood.fx=0 ENBColorEffect.fx=0 HLSLbleachbypass.fx=0 HLSLColorGrading02.fx=0 HLSLColorGrading03.fx=0 HLSLvignette.fx=0 obsharpen.fx=0 Toon.fx=0 Film16.fx=0 SmartSat.fx=0 Technicolor3.fx=0
  4. I set them all off before I even started modding, but I checked again to make sure, they're all off. My video card, if it helps, is Nvidia GTX 260M - 1 GB. and the driver is 296.10, so I doubt it's an update issue, although I will update it anyway; just thought I would mention all this if it helps.
  5. Hey everyone, I've just installed Oblivion with patches and a few mods. Now, when I reached the end of the first dungeon, whenever I cast spells, the screen flickers black; when I got out of the dungeon it would still happen as well. I can't really play the game like this (I use lots of spells), any idea on how to fix this? Thank you.
  6. Let me rephrase that. Its very likely a hard-coded limitation of the game engine, since as far as I know, mods cannot touch the part of the game where things such as controller interfaces are handled. Fixing this would most likely require hacking the EXE, which is highly, highly unlikely to happen. Now its possible some sort of crazy OBSE-like thing is possible, but it would take someone very well versed in programming, and in how the Oblivion EXE is constructed. Seeing as how it is, as I said, 6 years later and the only thing we have are Xpadder workarounds, if you want this to happen, you will probably need to be a bit more pro-active than just plopping down a thread in a barely used board. And I'm sorry you think that only comments that are 100% supportive of your position are valid. OK, first of all, that was actually a helpful reply, no joke. Secondly, I never said that only helpful comments are valid, but trolling ("Considering that its been six years and this doesn't exist, its highly unlikely that its spontaneously going to happen because you asked for it") is never a nice thing to do; excuse me for being an adult and nice about it. I posted here, because this is the most RELEVANT place I could find to post it, and it's not like I know all this stuff, in this depth, as if it were all common sense (I'm not a modder, not a programmer of any sorts). NOW THEN, I think we're both clear; and I appreciate the response by the way, I really do. This helped me understand things better about this issue, unfortunately, this is still one of the few places I can try and bring this up, so, like I mentioned before, who knows. Thank you.
  7. I appreciate taking the time and posting this, and as I mentioned, I've actually seen all the "workarounds" out there, including these, but I am specifically looking for full working support; but thank you anyway, I appreciate it. I've mentioned this on a different thread, and I wrote: "If anything, it can never be a bad thing, especially for people who wanna enjoy a fully beautiful and modded Oblivion, and would love to see it on a big screen in the comfort of their couch for example. My situation, in case it matters to anyone, is that I just moved into a new place and I have basically NO furniture, and no real money to spend on such things for the time; I do have a plastic desk and chair when I need to use the computer, study or do some work, but it's not ideal at all to sit here for hours trying to play. I also have forearm and wrist discomfort from sitting here, like I do now, and I'm having difficulty writing this. I do have a TV that I can connect my computer to, and a floor mattress to sit on and play, and this is where the controller comes in, because this plan is still not gonna really work without real controller support." Hopefully now it makes more sense as to why I can't really use keyboard and mouse, and me wishing for full 360 controller support and UI. Thank you.
  8. As much as I appreciate replies, if you took the time to read my first post you would have probably figured that all this (everything mentioned by you) goes without saying. Now, if you read my reply to Xenavire, you would also known that this is something that I am VERY aware that might not happen, and that I came here in hopes that perhaps it might, "Since this is a place to request mods, I was really hoping that it would get picked up; this is a long shot and I know it, but I know that MANY people (including myself) REALLY want this." Now then, since it's also obvious that this mod is wanted by many, but may not have been so publicly requested, I thought it would be worth a shot. I hope people keep posting productive and supportive comments and replies that may actually help; if not, so be it then, at least I tried. FINALLY, this leaves me with your comment, which is many things, none of them hold a nice description. Thank you.
  9. Hahaha, don't worry about it, I actually know about ALL the "workarounds" so to speak, as I have mentioned in my previous post. Since this is a place to request mods, I was really hoping that it would get picked up; this is a long shot and I know it, but I know that MANY people (including myself) REALLY want this. I have no issues with keyboard and mouse, but I do prefer playing with a controller generally; it's also very much a convenience for this particular game at this point for me (I played Morrowind through and through, and loved it with no official controller support). So, this is something that I would LOVE to see, and modders are very capable, and if this is picked up by anyone with time and knowledge, I'm very certain it can be done. I say this because I've seen close emulations, but no true support, so maybe with enough time, it can happen. If anything, it can never be a bad thing, especially for people who wanna enjoy a fully beautiful and modded Oblivion, and would love to see it on a big screen in the comfort of their couch for example. My situation, in case it matters to anyone, is that I just moved into a new place and I have basically NO furniture, and no real money to spend on such things for the time; I do have a plastic desk and chair when I need to use the computer, study or do some work, but it's not ideal at all to sit here for hours trying to play. I also have forearm and wrist discomfort from sitting here, like I do now, and I'm having difficulty writing this. I do have a TV that I can connect my computer to, and a floor mattress to sit on and play, and this is where the controller comes in, because this plan is still not gonna really work without real controller support. Anyway, I hope I didn't babble, I just wanted to be clear and give a better idea as to why I desperately want this. Thank you.
  10. Hello Forum, I have been, for days, searching for an optimal and TRUE fix to the lack controller support on the PC version of Oblivion. I have found nothing that actually fixes the issue, and makes the game play equivalent to it's Xbox 360 counterpart. I found the sloppy "workaround" that changes a few variables in the Oblivion.ini file, and it's not at all a good fix; and emulating the keyboard and mouse on the controller is also not a sollution. I've seen all the mentioned fixes all over the web, and although they are better than nothing, they aren't what many Elder Scrolls fans and people (and there are MANY of us) looking for a solution were hoping for. SO, I've come here in hopes that perhaps some group of people in the modding community pick this up if they can; and perhaps Oblivion fans can finally pick up a controller and feel at ease. What this project (if ever picked up by modders) hopes to accomplish: Have FULLY functioning Xbox 360 controller support that plays and feels like the Xbox 360 port. For it to support more than just the Xbox 360 controller later on if possible. To be able to have the Xbox 360 Oblivion User Interface (UI) in-game for ease of use and a better overall feel. I hope (I REALLY DO) that this reaches out to the modding community, to whom we owe a great deal of thanks, and they pick this up and finally give everyone a well deserved mod that fixes this problem. Thank you.
  11. Hello Forum, I have been, for days, searching for an optimal and TRUE fix to the lack controller support on the PC version of Oblivion. I have found nothing that actually fixes the issue, and makes the game play equivalent to it's Xbox 360 counterpart. I found the sloppy "workaround" that changes a few variables in the Oblivion.ini file, and it's not at all a good fix; and emulating the keyboard and mouse on the controller is also not a sollution. I've seen all the mentioned fixes all over the web, and although they are better than nothing, they aren't what many Elder Scrolls fans and people (and there are MANY of us) looking for a solution were hoping for. SO, I've come here in hopes that perhaps some group of people in the modding community pick this up if they can; and perhaps Oblivion fans can finally pick up a controller and feel at ease. What this project (if ever picked up by modders) hopes to accomplish: Have FULLY functioning Xbox 360 controller support that plays and feels like the Xbox 360 port. For it to support more than just the Xbox 360 controller later on if possible. To be able to have the Xbox 360 Oblivion User Interface (UI) in-game for ease of use and a better overall feel. I hope (I REALLY DO) that this reaches out to the modding community, to whom we owe a great deal of thanks, and they pick this up and finally give everyone a well deserved mod that fixes this problem. Thank you.
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