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About Foxey0Vladimirovich

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  1. So I recently reinstalled Skyrim because I missed it a lot. After I finished modding it (I didn't test all of the mods individually, just modded everything in about two passes), I started the game. There were CTDs occasionally in the wilderness, but they were fixed with SSME. When I'd enter cities though, my game would crash, probably during the loading screen, since there are no autosaves created. My game would also crash when I roam around Whiterun. My PC specs are well over the recommended, and the game runs pretty smoothly, with a little stuttering from time to time. I'm also running the latest version, obviously SKSE and sorted my load order with LOOT. Now, I know that my load order isn't the biggest, but I think there might be conflicting mods that cause the crash, I tried disabling some, creating new chars, but couldn't seem to find the solution. My load order: I'd really appreciate it if you helped me :smile:
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