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About Shadiva

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    Testing like every MMO there is out there atm

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  1. Been testing some Blade & Soul armors, the design is realy sweet and nice, clearly a look of it own, very fun to play with, tho i think the textures could be in more of a high resolution, a close up reveals it abit to much :( still very awsome armors! feels good to use light armor again ;) Chive on friends!
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. k361


      *cough* there were plans for an EU server, but no news since last year.
    3. k361


      maybe got trolled after all:(
    4. Shadiva


      After my research, took me a 5 mins! but there are no know plans for NA/EU though there are for China and Japan, so strict IP Block to those countryes, though, no mentioning to ANY other country
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