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    Testing like every MMO there is out there atm

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  1. The new Youtube is fugly! Where is the style? did i just make a visit to the hospital? with a big screen, there is a white wal infront of me = Sad Panda (~`.´~) In the spirit of mods here on Nexus, it should totally be customized with your own liking on it and style, "Your Youtube" i want it black got damit >.<
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadiva


      Aye sure is, did a survey post for it, as i totally dislike the change on the video "expand" option, now there is only plain white and no dark around the video at al, i seriusly cant watch it without full-screen now for al the white it does, so then it loses the point at looking at other things when hearing good music, as in full-screen that is abit hard ;)
    3. tredmillion


      there's a survey? wow i wish i knew that before lol i'dve taken it ages ago :P


      oh and if u use chrome get an extension called "turn the lights out"....darkens webpage around the video! (u can probabl get it for firefox too if u use that :) )

    4. Shadiva


      Ah thanks! gonna do a search for it on Firefox then, thanks!
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